More About the Author "societybe01"

Author Nick: societybe01
Name: Niyaj Haque
About the Author: I am Indian. I am working on society and behaviour project.

Articles by societybe01 :

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How to improve social relationship among people

Social life plays a very important role in everyone’s life. We need to maintain some social relationship to survive in civilize society. It shows how social relationships reflect how far a person is successful. Successful persons are always having good network of social relationship. This network includes all kinds of friends like old good friends, […]

Skills Society-Maintained By Many Members Today

To make yourself a remarkable and important one, you should be more perfect to acquire skills of society. The society is made for the personal benefit of all members in society. Man cannot live alone and so he wants to be unite with the others in the same circle. Thus, all of the members of […]

Learn Behavior Skills to Make yourself A Successful Communicator

For making yourself one of the successful communicator you need to learn a lot to make your behavior perfect to others. Behavior is a skill and art with which you can make other feel free and respective who is in front of you. This art can make you a perfect and successful one in life […]

Social behavior improves social skills

Today, people are becoming very much conscious in improving their child’s behavior to society and people. Manners are really very important. Without having any manner it is tough to survive in a civilized society. Child is like a blank canvass. You must try to know that your child is not having any kind of problem […]

Some important tips to develop social behavior of child

Child is born like a blank canvass. You need to find out whether your child is suffering from any kind of mental pressure or problem. This can be said as the first step to improve child’s social behavior. In this article you will come to know about some important tips that will help you in […]