More About the Author "societybe01"

Author Nick: societybe01
Name: Niyaj Haque
About the Author: I am Indian. I am working on society and behaviour project.

Articles by societybe01 :

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Personal development skills help in building strong social relationship

Your first mission on earth is to deal with every problem of life and to make it successful. Dealing with the problems of life and making it successful is not an easy task. It may seem that it is easy but it is quite difficult. To survive in present world, personal development skills are really […]

Personal development skills important for successful life

Your first mission on earth is to deal with every problem of your life and to make it successful. Dealing with life and to make it successful is not an easy task. It may seem easy but it is quite difficult. To survive in present day world, personality development skills are really very important. It […]

Five easy steps to improve your child’s social behavior

In this article you will come to know about some basic ideas through which you can improve your child’s social behavior. The very first step is that you should make sure that your child is not having any kind of problem. Basically, a child is born as a blank canvas. It is completely up to […]

Is Social Behavior Responsible For Changing the Human Temper?

Social behavior is a debating matter still now from the past. What is social to a society may be unsocial to the other society. In time of living in a society we learn a lot that is the social behavior to that society. Always there is a part unsocial and the other is social. The […]

Is Social Behavior Responsible For Changing the Human Temper?

Social behavior is a debating matter still now from the past. What is social to a society may be unsocial to the other society. In time of living in a society we learn a lot that is the social behavior to that society. Always there is a part unsocial and the other is social. The […]