Archive for the "Software" Category

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Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise People Tools

One of the primary goals of any organization is to improve productivity. Every organization strives to find new ways and means of increasing productivity. However, increasing productivity is not an easy task considering that there are multiple factors affecting the performance of a business, including technology and employees. The employees in an organization play a […]

Meet Global Challenges with Optimized Supply Chain Solutions

Supply chain over the years  has clearly focused on the manufacturing principles, just-in-time deliveries managed by using smaller batches and short lead times. Though globalization has provided today’s business enterprises enough scope for market expansion, profit and revenue generation, it has placed a few challenges too. Globalized business environment today is made up of complex […]

Advanced Solutions To Curtail Gray Market Sales

Gray market also known as a parallel market is the trading of legitimate and genuine manufactured trademarked goods  that are sold outside the manufacturers authorized trading channels. The products intended for a certain country market are diverted to some other country market through unapproved distribution channels. This practice is also called parallel importation. Gray market […]

Why Companies Need Risk Management Frameworks?

There can be nothing more upsetting to an organization than an security breach or data theft. It hinders expansion plans and profits resulting in loss of the entire productivity. Hence, companies that want to put an end to such unwarranted security attacks must resort to high-end risk management frameworks. Why should companies invest in risk […]

List of Free But userful Movie Editors

Many friends have a big crush on watching movies, but when you need to edit a movie to get your satisfied video clips for special use like education, business etc, and then things get difficult. Many paid video file converter provides outstanding editing features, but you may just need a common video tool for one-time-use. […]