Archive for the "Health" Category


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Avoid a Sore Male Organ With These Alternative Lubricants

A situation most men claim they would love to experience is having sensual activity so many times a day that they go to bed with an intensely sore male organ. Sure, the idea of having that much sensual activity is enticing, but the truth is that no guy really likes having a sore male organ […]

Male Organ Bumps From Lipoma

The popular image of the male member imagines a very smooth organ, perhaps with some raised veins, but generally smooth. In fact, many if not most members have some kind of male organ bumps, even if they are tiny and pale like Fordyce spots. There are other common forms of male organ bumps, like PPP […]

Talk Dirty to Me: Self-pleasuring and Audio Sensual Stimulation

A sneak peek into the browser history of most men will confirm a well-known supposition: that sensually most men are very visually inclined, hence the frequent and lengthy visits to various adult video sites. Many men supplement (or sometimes supersede) their imaginations with sensually stimulating videos during their self-pleasuring routines, just as in years past […]

Kidney Disease Can Cause an Itchy Male Organ

Kidney disease is a serious issue with many potential consequences. It is not typically considered in the context of male organ health issues, but in fact kidney disease can in many instances impact male organ health. For example, any men with kidney disease may also find that it can dampen their sensual drive and/or cause […]

Lack of Vitamin A Can Mean Dry Male Organ Skin

One aspect of maintaining good male organ health is taking care of the delicate skin that covers the manhood. When that skin is healthy, the member has an appealing, attractive look that potential partners greatly appreciate. But when, say, there is dry male organ skin, it can be a major turn-off to a bed mate, […]