Archive for the "Health" Category


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Refractory Period Impacts Male Organ Function

Although there are some men who, at least on occasion, are up to the task of performing sensually 2 or more times in a row without a real break, they are by far the exception and not the rule. No matter what excellent manhood care a man may take, it’s hard to perform “serially” like […]

Numbness From Paresthesia Can Affect Male Organ Sensation

Most people have experienced that sensation of having their arm or leg “fall asleep” – that is, to have a numbness or a tingling because they’ve been placing too much weight or pressure on it. But most men don’t know that the same thing can happen to the manhood as well, dulling the wanted male […]

This May Cause a Male Organ Odor Like Boiled Cabbage

Manly. Clean. Nice. Sensual. Enticing. Perhaps even musky. These are a few adjectives that men enjoy hearing applied to the aroma that wafts from their member when it is unveiled to a partner. But in too many cases, the reaction is likely to be less favorable, indicating a male organ odor problem that needs addressing. […]

Iodine, Meet Itchy Male Organ

Gather a dozen or so men in 1 room for an hour or so, and chances are that most of them will scratch their manhood at least once. When alone with only other guys, giving a quick scratch to the male organ is practically a rite of manhood. But when in a more formal setting, […]

Off-White, Clumpy Male Organ Sludge: The Difference Between Smegma and a Yeast Infection

You know there is something wrong with your dingle. It’s irritated and coughing up off-white, stinky, clumpy, cottage-cheesy discharge. From everything you’ve read, it could be smegma. But wait, it also seems like it could be a yeast infection. You didn’t even know dudes could get those. How do you tell the difference? There are […]