Archive for the "Health" Category


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It’s Not Member Dysfunction! 5 Less Serious Reasons for a Weak Hard-on

The mood is set, and you’ve got the woman of your dreams anxiously awaiting her ticket to the Big Show. Candles lit, Barry White is on, and your junk is, well, junk. Your star player is being called to the Big Leagues, and he’s pulling a no-show. Instead of a Louisville Slugger in your shorts, […]

Genital Discoloration: 6 Reasons You May Be Sporting a Purple Member

Genital discoloration is a pretty common issue, but sometimes when things get a little too deep and dark, a man can get worried. However, sometimes, a discolored male organ is nothing to worry about. Things like getting an hard-on can cause the member to get purple and is nothing to worry about. Other reasons for […]

Male Organ Pain: Pelvic Pain Syndrome and How to Deal

What if man cramps were a real thing? Well, they are! It’s just that no me are really bringing it up. Despite the lack of voice on the subject, nearly ten percent of men deal with persistent pelvic pain, which makes chronic pelvic pain syndrome, one of the most common urologic issues for men under […]

Some Male Organ Health Tips for Planning That Doctor Visit

People want to look their best – whatever “their best” may mean to any individual. That’s simply a fact of life and the reason why people spend so much time (and money) on hairstyles, beard trims, lifting weights, jogging, dieting, and all the myriad other things done in the name of achieving the look they […]

You Might Want to Check Out These DIY Self-Pleasuring Devices for Men

A hand. A male member. That’s all that a man needs to engage in fun, friction-filled self-pleasuring (although some lubricant of some kind is generally good to have as well). But sometimes – especially after a guy has been self-fondling for 5, 10, 30 years – he may want to try something a little different […]