Archive for the "Health" Category


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Chakra Therapy And Chakra Meditation

There are energy-wheels known as chakras which line up along the central line of everyone.

What Causes People To Grind Their Teeth?

Simply defined, teeth grinding is the act of consciously or unconsciously clenching your teeth either during the day or while you sleep. It is clinically referred to as bruxism. Bruxism is considered both a medical and a dental problem. This is because it affects both the teeth and all of the structure near it, including the head. Have you ever had a roommate or a sleeping partner that snores? Well you might have had one that grinds their teeth in their sleep as well. However, unlike snoring, teeth grinding sounds are a little on the low side, although it can be as bothersome as well. Teeth grinding usually happens during sleep.

Ever Thought Vitamins Can Help You Put A Stop To Blood Pressure

Blood pressure or Hypertension stands out as the pressure or force, which is exerted at the arterial wall by your circulating blood. High Blood Pressure is the condition, where pressure exerted by the blood on the arterial wall rises significantly. Blood pressure of a healthy individual should be 120/80, where 120 is the measure of systolic pressure, and 80 is the diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure is the force, the circulating blood exerts on the arterial wall, when the heart contracts, while diastolic pressure is the pressure exerted, when the heart relaxes. High blood pressure is frequently found to be associated with a sedentary lifestyle, alcoholism, smoking and stress. Combined with hypertension medications, certain vitamins for high blood pressure can play an essential role in coping with this condition.

Best Diet For Good Colon Health

All you can do to keep your colon health well is to eat a proper diet and exercise well. Specifically, if you see that a poor colon health is a hereditary problem in your family you need to resort to all those options which lead you to have a good colon health. Besides eating well is the best and the simplest option that you can resort to keep your colon health in a proper shape and fit. But a more important question that arises is what you need to have to keep your colon in a good shape? Though it is very beneficial to have a routine of taking a maximum of five helpings of fruits along with vegetables even for a person who is not facing any kind of digestion problems, yet, there is a specific kind of diet that you need to take for focusing on your colon health.

Get Rid of Any Disease – Heal Yourself

Follow these instructions, record them and play them back to yourself on an mp3 player, cd player, tape recorder, or whatever technology you have accessible This works! Just record and play it back to yourself and follow the instructions: