Archive for the "Health" Category


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Some Sure-Fire Strategies to Straighten Up Weak Hard-ons

There are few things more frustrating for a man than a weak hard-on. When the wind is out of his sail, a man can feel very angry, confused, and bad about himself. However, over 50 percent of men have issues with male organ function at some point in their lives, so don’t get down – […]

Regular Cycling Can Cause a Loss of Sensation in the Male Organ

Cycling is one of the best ways to get regular exercise, and that’s good for a man’s health. That said, cyclists are at risk when it comes to male organ health. Some researchers are pointing to evidence that cycling (and spinning is included here) is a potential cause of member dysfunction. So, are all those […]

ADHD and Its Impact on Sensual Health

Although ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is often considered a children’s disorder, it does affect adults as well. An estimated 5% of American adults have been diagnosed with ADHD – and many doctors believe that there are quite a few more who remain undiagnosed. Men with ADHD face a number of challenges, but most people […]

Looking at Tweets and Male Organ Function

That social media has become a ubiquitous part of our lives is news to exactly no one. It is likely that every person reading this tweets or reads tweets, likes or dislikes posts, and shares pictures using one social media platform or another. Social media does not, per se, have a direct link to male […]

The Lowdown on Male Organ Supplements: Three Ways to Get a Stronger Member

It seems like there is a lot of focus on enhancing the member these days. However, with so many things in the male organ health sphere, it’s getting harder and harder to know what works and how it works and most importantly if it’s safe. Today, let’s talk about three different kinds of male organ […]