Archive for the "Stress" Category

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Reiki Basics

There are a lot of people that think you have to have some kind of special abilities in order to use Reiki. The truth of the matter is that anyone with the patience and perseverance to work hard has the ability to use this energy. In fact, there is a simple meditation technique that can […]

Reiki Attunement Defined

During the 1980s, the word “attunement” was used when talking about opening someone’s pathway to universal energy. The official definition is being in harmony or the feeling of being one with another being. In order to be at harmony with anything, there must be balance within as well as existing in a receptive state. This […]

Comprehending Reiki Therapy

There are a lot of people that have heard the term Reiki but may not know exactly what that term means in practical use. There are some people that think Reiki is some kind of religion like Buddhism or Hinduism. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Reiki is not a religion at all, although […]

Relax and Let Go

In life we find ourselves always pushing, working, and striving for something better, whether it is ourselves, our situation, or something around us. We work very hard at this, sometimes to the point of exhaustion, finding that we can never fully relax and let it be.  Who we are is capable of moving past this, […]

Overcoming Anxiety The Natural Way

It is a truth of life that all of us experience anxiety at some time nearly every day. It has come to be such a part of life that most of us don’t even notice it any more. Unfortunately, anxiety has a severe impact on our lives, particularly if it gets out of hand. You […]