Archive for the "Stress" Category

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Dealing With Stress

Stress develops from how we see things; how we perceive the world around us changes how we feel. Do you take it all in or do it one step at a time?  Do you look at all that is to be done and believe it has to happen now, that you must take care of […]

Why Mouth Guards Don’t Work

Bruxism is a condition that affects over half the population of the world and seems to be growing by the day. There are a lot of causes for people grinding their teeth at night and the most common is probably the alignment of their jaws. There is also a good chance that most of the […]

Relieving Pain with Mouth Guards

Grinding your teeth and clenching your jaws at night while you are asleep can cause all kinds of problems, but there are a few ways that you can help ease those issues. By choosing a mouth guard or stint, you can help ease the pain that is caused by grinding your teeth or clenching your […]

Reasons to Stop Teeth Grinding

Bruxism is a very serious issue for a lot of people around the world and can result in causing other dental issues as well. The constant grinding of your teeth while you are sleeping can cause everything from a sore jaw to broken teeth and, because of that, people with bruxism should do what they […]

Most Common Causes of Bruxism

Bruxism is a serious issue that comes from people grinding their teeth, usually at night while they are sleeping, but also during the day. Most of the time, the teeth’s grinding is done unconsciously and the person is not aware that they are doing it. This is especially true if you are grinding your teeth […]