How Do Affiliates Make a Sale?

While marketers aren’t selling their own products in affiliate marketing, they are still “selling” to their visitors. Because affiliate marketing is all about making the sale, the affiliate’s job becomes convincing people that making a purchase is a good thing. To a very small percentage of people, the ability to sell comes naturally. The vast […]

How Do Affiliates Get Paid?

Each affiliate program deals with payments and statistics differently. Paying attention to statistics helps affiliates determine what they are being paid and how well their website is selling products. These statistics should be available through the merchant or affiliate marketing program. In general, affiliates will be receiving a payment for the work they do based on those statistics, […]

Affiliate Marketing Strategies

Getting Started Everyone’s an expert at something, and an area that one has some knowledge about is a good place to start when deciding to join an affiliate marketing program. Potential affiliates should start with something they at least partially understand, or something with which they have some expertise. Starting “close to home” has several advantages. […]

Affiliate Marketing

Imagine for a second that Mandy has a moderately successful online business. Her business is doing okay, but she wishes she could bring in more business and more sales. Mandy would like to expand, get bigger office space, and perhaps even some additional storage space for her shipping needs, but unfortunately, she doesn’t have the […]

Why is Page Rank Important?

The importance of search engines cannot be emphasized enough. Search engines offer websites an opportunity to reach a large, global audience. Without search engines, any webmaster might find getting more visitors difficult. If search engines only directed a small amount of web traffic, though, search engine marketing might be less important, but search engines direct […]