Family Divorce Mediation Services and Failure

The consensus of many clients is that divorce is among the most critical failings of parenthood. People, however, don’t realize it’s not that simple.

“To err is human,” said Alexander Pope, the 18th century English poet. It’s a fact that we actually fail when we don’t take chances and neglect to try new things. In other words, people who never fail, fail to challenge themselves.

It’s doubtful that people enter into divorce for the sheer joy of it. The general school of thought is that marriage, after all, is for keeps. In short, divorce is not supposed to be Plan A—it’s not even Plan B or C. However, when it does seem inevitable, you have a choice to make in dealing with divorce.

Find out how family divorce mediation works.  There are a number of choices for divorce in California today, which proves that running to a lawyer is unnecessary.

Without going through drastic measures, such as gossiping to mutual friends, exacting punitive revenge on your spouse or seeking retribution, a responsible adult (the client) can choose to endure divorce and other unfortunate occurrences in a most respectful and civil manner.

It’s important to note that if a client failed or if he/she feels that the spouse failed in creating a marriage “till death do us part,” then he/she did not fail to be responsible as a grown person.

There are several things in life that we can manage and other things we just cannot control. Once the unfortunate occurrences become a reality, we can manage our actions and reaction. This is where the client normally succeeds. Instead of running off to family court, he/she made a decision to choose family divorce mediation. The client did not forfeit when the discussion was difficult. The client was responsible enough to seek family divorce mediation—ultimately, the couple can make amends.

We hear it all the time—bad things happen to good people. The gentlest and most
considerate person in the world, my mother, died in 2010 of cancer. A friend of mine adopted a drug-addicted foster baby and now has a brain tumor. This is heartbreaking, but we need to understand that bad things that happen don’t occur because of failure in these individuals.

Even during failure, isn’t it all about the measure of an individual’s character? Isn’t it about how a person deals with failure, instead of the fact that he/she failed?

1. Did you do whatever possible to save the marriage?
2. Did you speak respectfully and honestly to your spouse about the problems in
3. Did you go for outside help or seek counseling?

Maybe you weren’t able to achieve any of the above. Thus, did you walk away from the marriage in a courteous, sincere and honorable fashion?

Family divorce mediation offers the opportunity to achieve that. You can respect the years you spent with your spouse and the rewards you exchanged when you mediate the divorce. It is possible that the last years of your marriage haven’t been very fond. However, you married because you were in love (or maybe thought the union would be lasting).

Apparently, there will be some fond memories. Moreover, if you do have children, then they are definitely part of the gifts you exchanged over the years.

Family Divorce Mediation in Los Angeles, California

For more information on our family divorce mediationservices, call (310) 301-2100 or contact us for further details.

Diana Mercer is an Attorney- Mediators and the founder of Peace Talks Divorce Mediation Services; it provides mediation services, child custody, cohabitation and LGBT dissolution’s, family divorce mediation, estate planning and family business disputes. For More information visit Diana Mercer’s Own Blog at:

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