Real Madrid, Mourinho challenges traditional New Year wishes

Is the translation of the original dry matter or assistant, Jose Mourinho was in Spain playing a minor role. But in May 2010 the rate of Inter Milan with Cheap Soccer Jersey won the Triple Crown, which immediately announced the move to Real Madrid, decided to start a new journey to the conquest of Spain, and even surpass Lionel Massif, Lou C, becoming the League’s first star. Since half of the season, the league record in the pursuit of Barcelona, the Champions League as well, is a poor record, but the state more than 5 Derby 0, the maximum loss of individuals so did noble head down. The rebellious personality, the Portuguese in the Spanish media, coaches’ circle again and again caused controversy, and because of the high-level transfer, etc. have differences with the club, but also the internal Real Madrid. Is not easy to earn high wages, not good when quarterback. If you take photos and Gladiola 2 years at the present time, we find that many of the young quarterback had hair loss; wrinkles can not be deliberated up on a corner of his eye. Mourinho is the same, only six months as coach of Real Madrid, their temples have been infected with frost.

In 2011, Mike Massine has had to admit he’s tired, “for professional interest, I’m training and competition will never feel tired, especially the team record when I am satisfied. In recent years, within one month is debugging, which asked me to try harder. But what really makes me feel tired, some things sports, such as denial of justice to the team that brought referees damage, such as the media demanding the image of Real Football Madrid, and me and the ball is a detail of the direction of the differences as well. “problems to worry about Mike Massine, who even became the enemy of the Spanish with the La Liga Soccer Jerseys football circles, while the end of the year and CEO Valadon conflict, Christmas dinner in the “never in contact with,” let Nosey is so concerned about the Real Madrid “earthquake.” When Jose Mourinho and Florentine, Casella, Ramos congratulated the party with a toast to the fans, the public has reason to feel relieved.

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