Our Professional Plumbers in Los Angeles can tackle any plumbing problem

Video cameras have come to be one of the most valuable gadgets in the plumbing business. Especially made fiber optic cameras allow for an optical inspection of underground sewer lines and other piping to determine the condition of the inside of the pipe. A bendable rod with a high-resolution video camera on its tip is introduced into the pipe for inspection. Video images are fixed to the camera operator and can be saved onto a videotape for a permanent record. Radio transmitters on the camera record the depth and physical location from the surface so that defects and obstructions can be corrected cost effectively.
Kitchen drains plug over time. They run slower and slower as greases, soaps, fats and detergents build up on the inner walls of the pipes and eventually cause blockage. A Richards-Rooter and Plumbing service technician who specializes in kitchen plumbing jobs will use a Richards-Rooter and Plumbing sink machine to cut through the clog and remove all debris. Your kitchen drainpipes will be as good as new and to keep them that way.
Shower and tub drains present their own challenges. The blockage culprit is usually hair and soap buildup in the trap and drainpipe. When you’re taking a shower you should never see standing water in the stall or tub. Properly functioning drains should carry the water away almost instantly. If water covers the shower floor and your feet, you have a clogged shower drain, which will eventually become completely cloged. A service professional skilled in shower repair techniques will use one of Richards-Rooter and Plumbing tub and shower drain cleaning machines to clean the drain of any and all debris, restoring it to new condition.
Bathroom sink drains may become pluged with hair, toothpaste, soap and grime. Richards-Rooter and Plumbing provides many bathroom plumbing solutions and sink drains are one of the more common problems we solve. Richards-Rooter and Plumbing will remove the clog and thoroughly clean the entire pipe so your sinks will drain like new.
Toilet drains are sometimes overwhelmed with toilet paper and even the occasional kid’s toy. Richards-Rooter and Plumbing can solve the problem with a Richards-Rooter and Plumbing machine that feeds a spinning cable into the toilet drain. The cable has special spring loaded blades on the tip that will cut through any obstruction while hugging the inside wall of the pipe and thoroughly cleaning it to restore full drainage and powerful flushes. See the toilet section for more information on toilet repair.
Floor drains are customary in basements, laundry rooms and garages. Floor drains may also be found on patios and driveways as well as older bathrooms. These drains are equipped with a trap that should be kept filled with water to prevent odors and sewer gas from escaping. Test drains occasionally to make sure they are aren’t clogged and are ready to carry away water and prevent flooding. Dirt and debris can clog floor drains but Richards-Rooter and Plumbing can open them quickly to restore good drainage.
Downspout drains help to guide water from roof gutters away from your home. Many downspouts are connected to the city’s storm sewer system via underground pipes which can become clogged with leaves and debris and cause a backup. Richards-Rooter and Plumbing provides professional plumbing services that clean downspouts and their connecting pipes to prevent flooding and restore proper drainage around the home or building.
Main sewer lines are the largest drains in a home. All other household drains lead to the main sewer line. The main sewer runs underground from the house and connect to a city sewer line or a septic tank. Your main sewer line can become clogged from the debris those other household drains wash into it or by tree roots that penetrate pipe joints from surrounding soil.
If the main sewer line clogs, toilets and drains throughout your house will begin to plug. This is usually a very stressful condition for homeowners and it can happen at any time of the day or night. That’s why Richards-Rooter and Plumbing is your 24 hour plumbing service company. http://www.richardsrooterandplumbing.com/











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