The Wonderful Process Of Abundance – The Secrets

Many people stumble upon the Law of Attraction because of financial hardships. Most of us intuitively know that there is something deep inside of us that plays a big role in the financial path our lives take.

It may be difficult to believe, but no matter how much you may be struggling financially right now, know that you’ve attracted this experience with the Law of Attraction.

Are you thinking that that’s a load of bunk? After all, why would you create a life of hardship and financial scarcity, especially when it comes to having enough money and especially because things seem to occur that you can’t control, like a tough economy or job loss? However, know that your outer abundance is simply an outer manifestation of your inner life.

It’s also true, by the way, that you will fail if you simply try to manipulate the Law of Attraction as a means to get more money to come into your life.

You might also wonder why, if the Law of Attraction really is an universal law, it never works the way you would like it to. First, you have to understand that the Law is constantly at work, even when you don’t realize it and regardless of whether you believe in it or not. The Law of Attraction is one of the universe’s immutable laws.

The problem lies in our understanding and manipulation of the Law; you have to accept that it works.

While the Law of Attraction recently gained a great deal of attention due to the popularity of The Secret movies and books, this pillar of the universe has been known since the ancient times is the foundation of several belief systems and esoteric teachings.

It’s not some New Age fad, and you shouldn’t give up trying to understand it if you can’t seem to make it work for you. If this happens, it’s simply true that you don’t know what its essence is.

When many people begin to try to understand what the Law of Attraction actually is, their finances don’t improve. In fact, they may even experience even more financial difficulty.

This factor actually gives us an important clue about exactly how the Law of Attraction works. By making the decision to manifest abundance and trying to force your attention onto this several times each day with different techniques like affirmations seems to miss the mark.

You need to understand that the correct vibrations are what matters since vibrations are what attracts your object of desire and cause it to manifest. Hence, focus on what you are feeling instead of what you are saying. Affirming a thousand times a day will not yield any results if it is not coupled with real feelings.

So, if you feel desperate, hopeless, and financially strapped, guess what? That’s what the Law of Attraction is going to pick up on and bring you more of. In other words, what you attract to you are more situations that make you feel hopeless, desperate, and financially strapped.

That’s a Catch-22, isn’t it? A ‘Catch-22’ happens when you’re in a situation where in order to get something you need, you have to NOT need it, to paraphrase Wikipedia’s definition of what a Catch-22 is. It is in this ‘releasing,’ this ‘not needing,’ that what you want can come much more easily to you. Does that sound impossible? It’s not; you can learn how to live your life that way, so that you can use the Law of Attraction and turn your life around; you can have everything you want, including a better financial situation.

The first step towards making the law of attraction work is to be aware of your own feelings. It is only your feelings, thoughts an demotions that sends across vibrations to the universe. Since controlling emotions isn’t easy, manipulating the law of attraction is also extremely difficult. It needs a lot of effort to constantly send out only those vibrations that you want to manifest in your life.

If you know this and then you take action, you’re going to be far ahead of most people in regard to the Law of Attraction, when it comes to attracting more abundance into your life. It’s not going to be possible to pretend or trick the Law of Attraction, because it’s your emotional center, not your conscious mind, that sends out these vibrations.

Therefore, when you’re doing affirmations or another technique like that, check on your feelings first. If you’re feeling afraid because your bills are late, or you’re depressed, then don’t try to use affirmations at that point. Doing so will just create more financial distress that way.

Instead, work with affirmations as they relate to the Law of Attraction when you’re feeling hopeful, positive, and happy. These are positive emotional vibrations, and by using them along with the positive intent to manifest financial abundance, you truly harness the universe to work for you. It has no choice but to bring you occurrences that are financially positive.

The Law of Attraction could not be more appropriately named. A Law of the Universe that absolutely cannot be changed, skillful manipulation of the Law therefore requires an understanding of its properties. It is continuously operating and cannot be turned on and off like a light bulb whenever you want.

It’s at work twenty-four hours a day, every day, to deliver experiences and circumstances that match the emotional vibrations you send. Areas of concern that are occupying your mental plane, like finances, are the areas where these events will manifest.

Being able to skillfully use the Law of Attraction to manifest abundance is not just about sending out positive vibrations regarding finances and money. Additionally, you have to learn how to keep any negative emotions in check because the two different vibrations will constantly cancel each other out. Don’t worry though, this isn’t an impossible task.

One should focus on being grateful to what one already possesses in life. Heartfelf gratitude is a very powerful way of harnising the vibrations needed for you to succeed with the law of attraction.

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