The Secret by Rhonda Byrne – Review

An International Bestseller, ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne is a self-help book which focuses on the power of human thought. The book has its origin in an incident in the life of the author. Going through a tough phase in her life the author consulted a variety of self-help books herself, which led her to find the key to succeed in life, which she dubbed as the “great secret of life”. Practicing her new found theory, the author brought about remarkable changes in her own life which were nothing short of a miracle.
To share her discovery, the author first made a video film called ‘The Secret’ in the form of a documentary having a number of interviews. Released on the web in March 2006, the video was soon made into a DVD. It was followed by the book of the same name which became an overnight success. The basic message of the book is that we can get everything we want, simply with the power of positive thinking. The theory of Byrne is based heavily on the ‘Law of Attraction’ and states that we can control every aspect of our life through our thinking.
As per the ‘Law of Attraction’ in order to achieve anything we must ask the Universe for that thing. We need to know what we want and visualize our dreams as coming true. To make the thing we desire happen, we must first make ourselves believe that what we want is really happening. And we must be ready to receive it. According to the law, if you want something honestly and believe it would happen, the Universe would help make that very thing possible.
Through her book author Rhonda Byrne emphasizes that we human beings have a far greater control over our life than we know. ‘The Secret’ states that whenever we think of something we attract it to us. Thinking about success would attract success, while on the other hand worrying about failure and thinking about it would attract failure. In other words by controlling the direction of our thoughts we can change the outcome of events. Thus, our thoughts can help us shape our own destiny. The book states that the current situation in our life is the outcome of our thoughts. The author is of the opinion that the entire Universe is connected and everything has a frequency of its own and when you focus your thoughts on the same frequency, you can achieve anything and everything you want.
Though through these principles you can bring about a positive change in your life, yet there are some unanswered questions. When hundreds of individuals die in a plane crash, does all of them have negative thoughts to attract such a fate? Again, for great achievers it is not only ask, believe and receive, but strong desire, persistence and perseverance which help them get what they want. Even with the slight drawbacks, the book is worth a read.
A self-help book, ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne is based on the theory that our thoughts have the power to help us get what we want. Based on the ‘laws of attraction’, the book tells us that thinking about something and believing it would happen attracts it towards us and actually makes that thing happen.

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