Basic types of web hosting service

In the world of web hosting there are several types of hosting that can stand between hosting vendors. In the lower text we will briefly describe and explain how to make your choice easier, and you decide which will be best for hosting your web site.

Shared hosting

Shared hosting is also called conventional hosting, hosting regular or normal hosting and in fact it is the most common form of hosting that uses the largest number of web pages. Using a variety of Web sites you probably have not noticed you used the site or any other shared hosting.

As the name says, it’s service where you share your site server capacity, its bandwidth and processing power with other sites. Briefly on a single server is a few to several dozen websites.  A major drawback of these services is sharing your.

The great benefit is that such low-cost services because they do not bear the costs of maintaining their own server for you, but the cost is shared among all users of the server and all of us to pay in their subscriptions for hosting. Besides this type of hosting usually comes with a range of services and scripts included in the price.

This service is ideal for private individuals and small businesses.

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated here does not mean that a priest came to you and dedicated you a  hosting, but that means totally the opposite of shared hosting – you have a whole server to yourself. Lease the entire server, you get a high level of control, flexibility and performance for the website. Size of web sites and bandwidth become irrelevant information. You can choose the operating system on the server, type safety, and almost everything else can be changed on the hosting server.

This service is not intended for inexperienced users, but large companies that have an administrator who works with web server.

VPS Hosting – Virtual Private Server

VPS hosting is a service that is rapidly expanding in the world of hosting. VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. Certain types of software that allows one physical server to create several virtual servers that use the same hardware, but operate independently of one another. This process is known as virtualization.

VPS hosting is compromised solution between Shared hosting and Dedicated hosting. It provides more functionality and better performance than Shared Hosting, but not as good as a Dedicated hosting.

Managed Hosting

This service is very similar to dedicated hosting, but the price is still something that is a complete technical support for your server. So you get all the benefits of dedicated hosting, and still have the staff to serve you at any time to pay attention to your server. It is intended for those who need large capacity have enough technical knowledge to independently maintain the servers, or maybe you just do not have time for it. The downside of this type of hosting is that it is by far the most expensive type of hosting. You can even combine vps and managed, to get fully managed vps hosting.

Reseller hosting

Reseller hosting is the latter type, where a certain person or company to lease the space on the servers of a large hosting provider in this space and creates space for mini websites of various clients. Very good resellers tend to be so successful that do not even know that you do business with resellers and their services tend to be flawless.

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