Useful Herbs for Low Blood Pressure or Hypotension

This condition is also known as hypotension, when a person has abnormally low blood pressure. Because of that, activity of blood-vessels decreases, blood-circulation becomes slower and general tonicity of the whole body becomes very low. If signs of hypotension are very slight, usually no need of serious treatment arises. Though the patient should be very careful and heedful as low blood pressure can cause other heart and neural disorders. Severe hypotension is a very dangerous condition and must be treated at once.

Low blood pressure may be caused by heart-diseases or by medicines, such as anaesthetics, diuretics, antidepressants or others. Sometimes it occurs during pregnancy (the first and second trimesters). BP may also drop because of hormone problems. It can even happen for those, who are sick with anemia or diabetes.

Archetypal symptoms of hypotension are general weakness, fatigue, dizziness, and fainting. Face of the patient becomes very pale. Eyesight gets blurred. One feels sleepy and confused.

Useful herbs: People who are ill with cardiovascular diseases usually are more willing to take medicines. You should consider the fact, that your body may not tolerate it, so be careful. Pregnant women should not use even herbal remedies without asking a doctor. However, herbal remedies are one of the best solutions while treating hypotension. They help a lot and rarely have side effects –

1. Indian spikenard: It is a good stimulant for heart and in such a way it helps to increase blood pressure and thus is obviously useful for people who are suffering from hypotension.

2. Cinnamon: This natural herb is well known for its warming effect. Indeed, cinnamon stimulates all the body. It regulates blood pressure, also improves digestion and relieves spasms too.

3. Ginger: Root of this herb also has many valuable properties. It normalizes both high and low blood pressures and cures heart diseases.

4. Coffee: Cup of this drink can help you a lot, make your BP higher and maintain it for some time. It is a really strong stimulant for the whole body.

5. Tumeric: Try using turmeric, it also maintains normal BP. Tumeric being an appetizer; improves digestive functions as well metabolism and is really beneficial.

6. Hawthorn berry: You also may know it as the mayflower. It increases the blood flow, extends the blood-vessels, strengthens the heart muscle.

Other herbs as stinging nettle, cardamom, pepper, ginseng, beet root, etc raises blood pressure and can make you feel better naturally. They also have many other useful properties, so choosing natural treatments is a very good solution hypotension patient. Though these herbs do not or rarely have side effects; be sure you are not allergic to any of these herbs. Pregnant women or breast-feeding mothers as well little children’s should be more careful.

In addition to the above herbal remedies, one should also maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoid smoking as well beverages. If your blood pressure gets lower then drink lots of fluids, do not make sudden moves and avoid standing for a long time. These all precaution will help you in this condition.

Read more Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure. Also know about Acidity Treatment.

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