How Can You Build A Network Marketing Business On The Internet?

One of the questions often asked by prospects is ‘can we do network marketing online?’

The answer I would give is ‘Yes, but not exclusively’. Network marketing has always been about personal relationships and person to person referrals, you can’t achieve this solely online stuck behind a computer screen. I believe that there still has to be an element of personal contact, which in most cases means using the telephone.

A little over a year ago I started using the internet to build my business and was under the false impression that I could run it all online and never have to talk to a soul, I was very wrong. Yes I could accomplish a large amount online, I realised that I had to start calling my leads and prospects, since I did my results increased dramatically.

One of the most useful things about the internet as a network marketer is its power as a communication tool. The world is literally at your fingertips and there is no limit to the number of people you can reach. The relationship building process is made much easier through the use of emails, audios, videos and webinars.

There is also a lot of money to be made by marketing your business online more than if you are only using offline methods. If you are worried about insufficient technical knowledge or think you have to be some kind of a guru then you don’t need to be concerned. There are systems available built on the principles of attraction marketing that will do a lot of the leg work for you. Most will be already set up with several affiliate income streams, so you can in theory start earning pretty quickly.

Whats the best way to market your business online, what’s the process?

It really is quite simple

1) You set up a marketing system, sometimes called a sales funnel or funded proposal. It should be built around the principles of attraction marketing.

2) You drive traffic to that marketing system and some of that traffic will become leads. You usually have a ‘capture page’ where visitors can enter their name & email address in exchange for something you are offering which is of value to them (i.e. an ebook, video training course)

3) Once in your system they will start receiving information from you, usually delivered by email. If you’re doing things correctly and delivering good valuable information, your prospect will begin to take notice of what you are saying, and the relationship building process has begun. Whats happening is that your leads are quickly turning into a warm market of people who know a little about you and are more likely to buy from you or work with you.

4) Next is to sometimes promote products that may be of interest to your list. This won’t be happening every email, but maybe you will make a pitch once every 6-10 emails, the main emphasis is on providing value. You will find that some people will buy what you recommend.

5) Offer information about your business opportunity. Invite them to a presentation and then follow up with them personally (usually on the phone).

It isn’t uncommon for people on your list to actually call you and ask about your business. Many times I’ve gotten calls from my leads who are interested in working with me, even before I’ve had a chance to get them on a business presentation.

Network marketing online can really work well, and you can build a massive following online. It is important though to find a system that works, rather than trying to invent something yourself, that would take up way too much time and stop you from doing the most important activities, which are presenting and prospecting.

By network marketing online you can create a rewarding business utilizing the strategies talked about. Are you trying to find a prosperous home business, that’s unique, new and has something which everybody wants? Find out more from the KB Gold Masterminds.

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