Immigration Lawyers

Many people that need to undertake Canadian visa paperwork find it very useful to hire the services of experienced representatives: Immigration Consultants or Immigration Lawyers. Canadian Immigration Consultants and Immigration Lawyers can prepare a wide variety of immigration paperwork for their cleints, including spouse and family sponsorships, skilled worker applications, provincial nominee program applications, labour market opinions and work permits. They will usually also offer to represent their clients before Immigration Canada.

The only people that are in fact allowed to charge a fee for immigration services are Immigration Lawyers who are members in good standing of a provincial or territorial law society, notaries who are members in good standing of the Quebec Chamber of Notaries, and Immigration Consultants that are members in good standing of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants. So those who are thinking of hiring Immigration Lawyers or Immigration Consultants should verify their credientials with the appropriate authority before paying any fees.

Immigration paperwork can seem very complicated to those who are not experienced in the area. The application forms must be filled out correctly without mistakes or ommissions. Also the supporting documentation must be consistent with what is written in the application forms. Mistakes can lead to significant delays. Immigration Lawyers and Immigration Consultants will usually ensure that your application is perfectly prepared before being signed and submitted.

The fees charged by Immigration Lawyers and Immigration Consultants can vary greatly from business to business. Typically, Immigration Lawyers usually charge a higher fee than Immigration Consultants. However there is usually no difference in the level of service and expertise offered. The fees charged by Immigration Lawyers and Immigration Consultants will also depend on the complexity of the case: for example the fee charged to one couple for a spouse sponsorship may not be the same as the fee charged to another couple, as there may be significant complications which would result in more work for the Immigration Lawyers or Immigration Consultants.

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