Learn About One24

One24 offers an unique opportunity to create wealth that could allow you to retire early.

If you’ve been in network marketing for a while you may well have encountered your fair share of rejection when asking your prospects to join your business. This particular business opportunity allows you to turn the tables. There is no way to join One24 immediately everyone has to go onto a waiting list, there’s no way round it.

You can only bring in one person a month. Ultimately the goal is to have built up a waiting list of hundreds or thousands of people, so that every month that passes sees one new person join the downline. Rather than asking for a sign up and payment up front you are merely asking prospects to join a waiting list, so there is a more favourable psychology involved here than a traditional MLM business model. Considering that a large percentage of prospects want to ‘think about it’, you can at least enrol them whilst they mull it over.

One24 have called the pay structure an Incentivized referral Programme and they think it will revolutionize the direct sales industry. They are building a linear single leg matrix style compensation plan, so everyone goes under each other. These are quite rare and can work well. You might be pleased to know that they are generous when it comes to the pay plan, they are putting fifty percent of all sales back into the pay pot. The average in the industry is around 20-40% so One24 are indeed generous.

To get your bonus payments you need to have one product sales volume each month.

This is definitely a very different approach that One24 have, only time will tell if it works out.

Origianlly founded by Mark Seyforth who has many years experience in the industry, more than thirty five in fact. Rumour has it that he also played a part in the set up of the MLM giant Herbalife. Whenever looking to join a company you need to consider and make sure that they have good leadership, in this case One24 certainly have just that.

The flagship product, and indeed their only product is a shake mix called Natra Burst, its packed full of goodness. One serving will give you the equivalent of 6 servings of your normal fruit & veg. It also helps support lean muscle as it contains high quality proteins which is good and a little more unique. There is a very long list of other ways that the product will help you in daily life such as, improved mental function, energy, immune system, blood sugar levels, fat loss etc.

You can get this shake on an autoship for just $60 per month. You can either take a shake between main meals, or you can even use it as a complete meal if you wanted to. It seems versatile and should appeal too many of your potential customers, especially those who are keen fitness enthusiasts.

If you want to be ultimately successful with One24 then a regular flow of leads is essential. Most network marketers fall flat in their face because they are only relying on their warm market, which may only consist of 50-100 people. You must find a way to massively enlarge your warm market. If you know the right strategies then you can achieve this very easily.

This One24 review was brought to you by Home business coach, Jim Hicks. To understand the strategies of the professionals, please visit the authors MLM training center.

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