Free Tips if you Want a Six Pack

Everyone wants good diet advice, right? Absolutely. They’re asking how to decrease fat, get that six pack, and look sexier. We all know the point is to lose weight, fast, so suddenly that it looks like it happened overnight to everyone else.

Now, I’ve been into fitness for ten years…I LOVE that buzz after hitting the gym, heading home and finishing it off with an invigorating meal full of energizing ingredients. I’ve tried lots of weird diet stuff –  juice fasting, vegan, minimal carbohydrates, hi protein, and of course the regular American diet lots of people grow up with.

On my own I discovered ways to stay around 8% body fat eating six meals a day, and even big sloppy peanut butter fudge sundaes once in a while. I just wanted my abs to always have that ripped six pack glow. Classic Gladiator Style. It was all about controlling my metabolism, so that it was constantly at an elevated rate.

Well, I can’t teach the whole planet a weight loss course (that would be neat though), so I’m doing the next best thing: gathering the best weight loss courses and diet information online and posting them here. I review and give commentary so that you can easily choose which one you want.

The first thing I want to get out of the way is this complaint: “I’ve been eating less often, and nothing’s happening.”

Then they often ask: “What kind of fitness approach is best for me?” I give them the straight dope. There ARE some crazy, effective, and powerful weight loss programs! They work, too.

But, most of the online information (especially free) is geared towards people who either want to make borderline-illegal muscle gains or do the same boring exercises that took up most of your high school gym class. They’re the rules, not the exceptions – we want exceptional information.

Furthermore, most people who come to me with diet queries simply desire to look like a cut, sexier version of their current self. And they want to achieve that quickly, and in exciting ways.

I tell them to watch these movies (yes, they’re free).

This site also goes over 5 important facts about core and ab work, many myths are dispelled here which I agree with from personal experience. For example, did you know that many health foods are secretly disguised junk foods? Or that the situps and crunches most people do aren’t using their core’s full potential?

Situps certainly don’t hurt, no form of healthy exercise is harmful, however I personally want to always have the most POWERFUL practice I can get when I need to, don’t you? Why spend 10 extra minutes “sort of” getting ripped abs when you could spend less time and get better results? Exactly, no one would. :)

Movie Site: The presentation is at this link – free weight loss tips – watch it now before you go off an try to get obliques from doing jumping jacks. :)

-Chris Medina

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