Mattis Anti Candida Diet Tips

One of the best ways of curing your Candida is to eliminate their food source, this where a Candida diet is really effective. Unfortunately two words often associated with the anti Candida diet are confusing and frustrating.

When most start the diet they are keen to make a positive change to their health but when they look at how little they are allowed to eat they revert back to their old ways or make large concessions.

But not all anti Candida diets are equal. Some allow you to eat wholegrains, cottage cheese and tomatoes from day one and other progarms say no carbos, fruit, or dairy whatsoever – confusing huh?

This is because there is no such thing as a defined ‘Anti Candida Diet’. All we have is a way of eating that has removed the foods that the Candida fungus lives on.

Several programs like How To Cure Candida recommend that all foods you may be sensitive to are removed from your diet, therefore a major part of your success comes down to you being happy to follow them.

Tip 1 – Step one of an anti Candida diet
Part One is the first two to four weeks of the diet and is pretty tough to get through. Here all foods containing sugar, mold, wheat, gluten, carbohydrates, dairy, starches and preservatives are removed.

Well what can you eat then?
Only the following can be part of your diet – broccoli, cucumber, peppers, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, leafy green vegetables, silverbeet, zucchini, nuts, seeds, omega oils, chicken and fish.

Tip 2 – Contentious foods on an anti Candida diet.
This is where some confusion comes in because some plans say that it is OK to eat foods like low sugar fruit, cottage cheese and whole-grains right from the start.
The only advice that I can give here is to go with what you can do without – I hate lettuce without dressing so i had to put cottage cheese on it to make it palatable!

Tip 3 – Start a food diary
During an anti Candida diet we end up taking so many supplements and introducing so many foods that a food diary is really handy just to keep track of it all. Make sure that you are honest and record everything that you eat – even the piece of pizza that you sneakily stole from your son’s dinner or the biscuit from the office shout.

Record when you took your supplements and how much you took – especially the anti-fungals, you don’t want to find that you have doubled up on anything and allowed the fungi to build a resistance to it!

Tip 4 – Introducing foods
The trick here is to do it really slowly – one serving of one food once a day. Note any reaction – even a raised heart rate counts as a negative – and remove any food that you react to. These can be tried again in another two weeks.

Tip 5 – Cravings
There are many things that can cause food cravings, from hormones, mineral imbalances, blood sugar levels and Candida.

The best idea here to distinguish between a need and a want is to wait five minutes before indulging in the food that you want. By holding off for a few minutes you will find that you get distracted with other things.

To get the best yeast infection cure that will permanently cure your Candida you can go with a proven program like How To Cure Candida or you can read our reviews of the top three Yeast Infection programs over at Candida Cures

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