Man’s best friend comes in many different colors, but also hypoallergenic!

You are in the market for a new best friend and have been thinking a puppy might do the trick. Whether you live a solitary existence, or have a house full of family, children, husband or wife, a puppy brings a joy unlike any other. Puppy breath is the best way to wake up and having them fall asleep on your chest is the greatest way to end the night. Training and feeding and potty teaching is all part of owning a great new family member and the rewards far outweigh the frustration. That is, unless you are asthmatic or allergic. Dogs have probably been out of reach for you since you were a child and you have probably relegated yourself to never owning a pet. But, with the advent of a hybrid puppy, you can look for labradoodles for sale and know you are getting a dog that doesn’t shed.

Dander and fur are the culprits of many asthma attacks, and those who are allergic cannot walk near a veterinary clinic without popping enough Benadryl to make them fall asleep in the office. However, finding a veterinarian who makes house calls is worth the extra time and research to be able to have your loving and attentive house mate taken very well care of. Finding labradoodles for sale has given you something you have been without from a very young age – a best friend who will stay right next to you no matter what. Labradoodles are born from the mixture of a low shedding and the highly intelligent Poodle, and the extremely docile and sharp as a tack Labrador. What you get is a fusion of smarts and extremely low dander that can accompany any home or family in need of a well-trained and easily lovable pet.

Australian labradoodle puppies are called that because they were first bred in Australia, but many are born right here in the United States of America. Make sure that when you are doing your research you really ask the right questions and don’t just take their word for it. Travel to the breeder’s home and see for yourself that the puppies have both of their parents on-site and are not being kept in kennel’s or poor living conditions. Each puppy (parent or otherwise) should be allowed to roam free and have an abundance of loved showered upon them every second of every day. Make sure the puppies are being exposed to children, cats, other dogs, and especially love so that they can adapt to any living condition you may have. Being exposed to proper health care is essential, especially in the days of pregnancy and the puppies’ first breaths.

The breed of a Labradoodle is a sweet and gentle pet with a love of exercise, but cuddling up with you as well. While the breed itself is mostly to take credit for how it acts and the temperament it has, the way it is raised (even for the small amount of time before you purchase it) has an amazing effect on the way it will grow up. Poor standards in breeding have not a good puppy made, however finding a breeder that has taken the time, love, and patience to learn the breed they are supplying, and do it right, will forever make the difference in your new found lifelong best friend.

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