The New Age of Advertising: Online Marketing vs. Offline Advertising

Although the business of search engine optimization (SEO) has been around for a number of years, many business owners who have built their businesses solely using offline advertising methods are now starting to look into SEO with a vengeance. And rightfully so, SEO presents opportunities that no offline advertising has been able to come close too.

It’s a little known fact, but approximately 85% of consumers START their research online for a product or service. By starting online, consumers have a private and low pressure way of gaining information before making a purchase. You can read reviews, compare prices, offers, guarantees, etc…Not only is online research convenient in terms of comparing competitive offers but also in terms of saving time. No more calling around to get prices etc…

Why it is important for business owners is obvious. If your prospects are now mostly searching online, then it only makes sense for your business to be visible online. This of course requires more than just putting up a website. Like your brick and mortar business, you have to advertise to attract the business. Likewise online you have to advertise. The benefit though of online advertising vs. traditional advertising is return on investment.

SEO, Orange County, has a much higher return on investment because you are only targeting prospects who are specifically looking for what you have to offer whereas in traditional advertising, you are just targeting locations or households, most of which will not be interested.

Of course it makes more sense logically and financially to target the customers who are in the market for whatever you are selling and not to target those who have no interest or need for what you are selling. The downside of traditional advertising is that it’s very costly to do research to determine who those prospects are.

With SEO it’s easy and free to track the number of prospects searching for information on any particular topic. From there you can position your company’s website with search engine optimization to be there when these prospects are searching and give yourself the opportunity to service them.

The world of marketing has changed for the better and is continuing to change at an ever increasing pace. Keeping up is imperative to business success. We’ve seen many businesses close their doors just for failing to keep up with changing trends in the marketplace. For any level of success in business, the key is responding to changing markets in a timely manner. Responding too late can have serious adverse effects as the market becomes saturated and competition tough, resulting in higher costs and a lower return. Fortunately with SEO, there are ways to work around these issues and minimize these risks.

SEO is ever changing and it’s the responsibility of your chosen SEO provider to keep up with the trends and stay ahead of the game. Calling and talking to a professional is imperative to making sure you hire the right company. The right Orange County SEO provider on your side can bring great financial benefit to your company.

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