Keeping the love during economic hardships

There are so many people in America facing financial troubles.  There are families being torn apart by the economic downfalls.  I would like to give you some tips on how to keep your family together instead of tearing it apart.  The tips I have gathered come from families that have made it through troubling times and are now a stronger family unit.

  1. Leave the outside world outside.  This tip is very important do not let the outside world interfere with your family.  When you feel the pressures of the world entering your house try your best to start seeing that’s all it is.  Your family should not be centered on what the world is doing but on just being a family.
  2. Do not worry.  Worrying really causes a lot of problems in families.  People that worry are short tempered, distracted, and withdrawn from the family.  I know it is impossible to never worry.  One thing you can do is get help from your spouse to alert you when they see you worrying and then you can take steps to shut the worrying down or learn how to not let it overcome you.  Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
  3. Nobody’s fault.  It is not your spouse’s fault that the economy sucks.  Biting on each other will never solve anything.  When you point fingers at each other that is when the fighting begins and this could be the end of your family if you do not take steps to fight against it.  When your spouse starts to blame you remind them in a loving manner that you understand their frustrations but it is nobody’s fault. Do not fight back you will only make it worse.
  4. Love.  This tip is by far the most important.  Hang on tight to your family and just love them.  Do not be mad at them for what is going on.   Love is the most important thing.

Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.  I think that if people remember that maybe they would just cherish what they have now and not focus so much on what they do not have.

By:  Jennifer Haskett

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