What is Electronic Medical Record Software?

The EMR is gradually becoming accepted worldwide. It is generally categorized as a legal medical record that is digitally recorded on an organization’s computer system that provides health care. EMR is basically used by health care facilities, private doctors and hospitals. Electronic medical records allow records to be stored, manipulated, and retrieved at any time.

Benefits of Electronic Medical Record Software

There are many benefits to using electronic medical record software. First of all, Electronic Medical Records don’t involve physical space like paper medical records must have. When electronic medical records are used health organizations find they have a significant amount of space freed up that may be used for treatment or other critical business activities. Not to mention, when organizations cease to use physical medical records they do not have to invest in paper, film, and other types of physical media which are not only bulky, but also pricey. The cost reduction is the attractive feature.

An additional benefit of electronic medical records software program is that the Electronic Medical Records are immediately available despite the location of the healthcare provider looking for them. This is not the case with physical medical records that must be transported for review. Not only is this costly, but it is also time consuming, which is a drawback during medical emergencies. Other problems with physical copies of medical records is that it costs a great deal of money to copy, fax, and transport them, not to mention the HIPAA concerns that arise as a result of this.

Amazingly, approximately 1 out of every 7 hospitalizations arises and medical records are not available. This is an overview but as a fact in many cases records are often not available to the attending doctors. On most occasions, lab tests are repeated as a result of not having the results at the place of care. Thus the patient spend money and time for repeated exercises. Electronic medical records increase efficiency, save money, and in some cases may even save lives by allowing doctors comprehension of a patient’s medical history.

Other problems that occur with physical records is illegibility. Take, for instance, handwritten paper medical records written in lousy handwriting. This causes medical error and may lead to wrong diagnosis. Electronic medical record software helps bring about the standardization of forms, legibility, and the elimination of errors.

Electronic Health Records software is now considered a necessity by most doctors and hospitals. EHR Software systems help improve efficiency and increase focus on patient care.

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