Teeth Whitening Kits

Everyone wants bright, shiny teeth, flawless. Having perfectly shaped teeth usually only means the dentist – at least every six months, but have you ever wondered why your teeth discolour? What stain?

There are several reasons why teeth are stained. Dark teeth or a propensity for staining can be hereditary. Drink plenty of black tea, black coffee, red wine and Coca-Cola is fading. Too much fluoride can cause spots. More zealous brushing with abrasive toothpaste or tooth powder smokers will enamel, dentin, which will appear under the gray surface. Smoking stains your teeth. Some antibiotics can cause yellow teeth. Old fillings can stain teeth and discolour naturally as you age.

Correct and consistent quality toothpaste will help keep disappearing, but there are two types of stains: the intrinsic and extrinsic staining. toothpaste to whiten teeth with integrated help keep extrinsic (surface) stains under control, but toothpaste intrinsic stains can not touch (just under the surface). If you want to intrinsic stains, use a special tooth whitening.

There are two main ways of teeth whitening: professional and the DIY route. There are several types of professional whitening, but they are all very similar in that they typically provide a whitening gel and light (laser) to activate it. These systems apply to dental surgery.

Teeth whitening systems usually involve yourself tray to fit your teeth, which is the issuance of a shower gel, teeth whitening. The trays half filled with a whitening gel and then pressed onto the teeth, of course, the gel comes into contact with the teeth and the peroxide bleaching agent oxygen supply to the teeth to remove stains.

After 30-60 minutes the chemicals in the gel were exhausted and the session is over. What really matters here is that the trays are a good fit. Some people find it difficult to get the plates to fit in the mouth, but may have dental trays are especially for them. It is much more expensive though. Dentists agree that the use-it-yourself whitening trays is relatively safe and lighten the teeth by 2-3 shades.

Dentists use the most powerful solutions of chlorine that are generally available to the public and some argue that, along with a laser actifying, their systems are much better than the trays. However, there are many dentists, and customers who dispute the application requesting the test. There seems to have.

In fact, tooth whitening is a continuous process. A session in a dentist’s chair will keep your teeth shining in a year. DIY techniques must be repeated periodically, but for both types of tooth whitening, you must play your role well. You can not forget and pale. You must maintain, which means regular brushing twice daily with a good toothpaste, gargle with mouthwash anti plaque and gargling with water after drinking red wine, black tea or black coffee .

For Cheap AFFORDABLE DIY Teeth Whitening visit=> http://www.diy-teeth-whitening.com

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