How To Fix A Pinched Sciatic Nerve And Relieve The Pain!

If you want to fix a pinched sciatic nerve you need to loosen the muscles around the nerve that compress it and make you suffer from the sciatic pain. There are 2 things you have to do in order to loosen these muscles and in this article I’ll share these things with you. Let’s start.

Loosening the muscle it means that you’ll have to do some manual work here, I’m talking about massage. The sciatic nerve goes through the buttocks area and in 99% of the cases it gets pinched by the muscle called piriformis that is located near it. This muscle can’t be seen so don’t try. When you are performing the massage, just focus on the upper area of the buttock. It’s even better if you could add some chamomile essential oil because it will help you to reduce the inflammation in the area and relieve the pain even faster.

The second thing you’ll have to do is to stretch the piriformis muscle to loosen it. It’s not that complicated. Right now you are sitting on the chair right? Put the foot of the leg that is in pain and just put it on the knee of the other leg. Then you have to try reach with the chest the foot. Stop when you are feeling a strong stretch in the buttock area and stay in that position for 10 seconds. It’s better to repeat this stretch 3 – 4 times and do it few times every day!

You have to remember that you won’t get an instant pain relief because here we are concentrating on loosening the muscle and it can take you 2 – 3 days to do it. I hope I helped you and good luck!

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