Who Has the Best Left Handed Golf Clubs?

Left handed golf clubs used to be more difficult to find. As more manufacturers produce left handed clubs, such a search has become easier. Golfing with right handed clubs could send a left handed persons ball anywhere so many had to custom order their clubs. It used to be quite expensive to get left handed clubs. As more manufacturers produce them, however, the price has come down considerably. The rates for left handed clubs are now comparable with rates for right handed ones. Here are some places to look when searching for the best deals on left handed clubs.

Did you know some stores specialize in nothing but golf? Every item you might need to play gold can be found in these shops. You can bet that they have left handed golf clubs. The fact is they probably have a wide range of them. In fact they will likely carry clubs for all ages. The fact that women enjoy golfing as much as men is not a detail these shops will miss.

No other store will have the selection found in these shops. The biggest asset these shops have is their knowledgable sales staff who are well versed in the wider range of products available. You can get professional advice for retail prices. That’s pretty nice. Another good place to look is in the classified advertisements of local newspapers. This is actually one of the best places to find golf clubs listed. You may have to wait a little longer before you see left handed golf clubs listed, but if you continue checking, you’ll find them eventually. The nice thing about this system is that you can test the clubs out before you buy them. This will keep you from getting ripped off.

Another possibility for left handed golfers is to get clubs custom made. This can be very expensive, but it is the best way to get clubs that are custom fit to meet your every need. If this interests you, you can find people who make golf clubs online or who put up a notice at a golf pro shop. You could also ask some of the more serious golfers where you play if they know anyone who makes golf clubs.

Being a leftie can be rather annoying. Much of the western world is aimed at right-handed people. This means the things many right-handed people take for granted can be a bit obtrusive for a left handed person. Even the game of golf can be hectic as it is sometimes a challenge to locate left-handed clubs! Fortunately, there are lots of shopping options out there! Do your research and make sure that you’re getting a good deal!

The author: Andre Riggs is a web designer and writer. Please visit his last website. He can help you get the finest travel golf bag suitable for you. To get information about travel golf bag kindly visit his brand new site about bennington golf bags.

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