How To Fix Sciatic Nerve Pain – Working Methods!

When you say “to fix sciatic nerve pain” I guess you mean that you want to know how to relieve it. Well, let me tell you something – our doctors and modern medicine are making it very complicated, when in reality you can get rid of sciatic pain pretty quickly if you know what exactly to do. Here you’ll find the methods you should use if you want to fix sciatic nerve pain fast!

But first I want you to understand where exactly that pain comes from. The sciatic nerve is located very close to the muscle called piriformis. It’s in the buttocks area and the muscle is internal so you can’t really see it. When this muscle is tensed it compresses the nerve, what is naturally causing an inflammation in the area and a lot of pain to you. So to fix sciatic nerve pain we have to do 2 things – reduce the inflammation and loosen the piriformis muscle to get the pressure off the nerve.

For dealing with the inflammation we will use the evening primrose oil because of it’s anti inflammatory properties. Fill the bath with hot water, put few drops of the evening primrose oils and then sit there and relax. The oil will get through the skin to the sciatic nerve area and start reducing the inflammation and relieving the pain.

After the bath you can take few more drops of the oil, spread it on the affected are and massage it into the skin. It’s much more effective after the bath because the open skin pores will let the oil in faster. The massage itself is very effective for loosening the tensed piriformis muscle, which is critical for fixing sciatic nerve pain!

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