Human Growth Hormones: Can They Reverse Signs Of Aging

One of the major emerging trends of the anti-ageing market is the use of human growth hormones in attempting to reverse signs of ageing. Many people are turning to this method of treatment as it utilizes the body’s natural resources to regenerate the human, rather than introducing new chemicals into the system. The rationale is that our own system is a better source of chemicals to improve our appearance than an anonymous laboratory on an industrial estate in Germany.

One of the most appealing aspects of human growth hormones is that they are very simple to use, taken in exactly the way one would take vitamin supplements. Unlike botox or similar anti-aging treatments, no injections are required.

Women who want to revers the signs of ageing don’t have to worry about taking too many and turning into some kind of androgynous musclebound grandmother seething with rage, these are not a growth hormone, they act in harmony with the body by using beautiful vitamins to stimulate your system into producing it’s own growth hormones. It’s just helping you to help yourself.

Our bodies produce a chemical called Somatropin which is released through our pituitary gland that stimulates our bodies to grow, this is basically where our growth comes from. Our bodies release this hormone as we grow into adults, peaking at around puberty and then releasing gradually less and less of this life giving chemical until we feel the icy inevitability of death’s skeletal hands at our throat. Basically, our bodies using less and less Somatropin is what causes ageing.

Maybe you have heard of the dangers associated with injecting human growth hormones, and this puts you off, but there is an essential difference. In the 1990s there was a fashion among Hollywood stars for injecting synthetic versions of the hormones into bizarre parts of their anatomy, the mention of growth hormones will cause many people to recoil at the casualties of early human growth hormone. Supplements are an entirely different thing.

Supplements are 100% natural, using combinations of herbs to release the growth hormone that is already within ourselves. With origins shrouded in secrecy dating back to ancient China and early Egypt, the use of herbs to reverse signs of ageing is part of man’s Canutian efforts to surreptitiously evade our own deaths, the Holy Grail.

Of course, human growth supplements do not offer eternal life, you will one day die, and everyone you know will die or leave you, but they have been proved in many scientific tests to be effective, and safe. Scientists in many impressive countries such as Germany, Italy, Switzerland and the USA have conducted expensive studies in important universities and laboratories and concluded that these pills work, so it’s a fact.

In conclusion, human growth hormones are not the key to eternal life, and they will equally not turn you into a terminator style ageing cyborg millionaire, they can prove to be a very effective weapon in the global conflict to reverse the signs of aging

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