How To Avoid Spam Filters For Your Emails

What words to avoid email block filters

Avoid the so-called spam words in your emails such as free and don’t use exclamation marks. This will helps all along through the first filter to come. The reason that many people have more spam filters is to make it more difficult to deliver email to you.

Ensuring that emails will be received in the future can be a real science. It really deserves its own article and I plan to write about it, but if you follow these basic rules appropriately, then the real work begins!

Be emotional!

If the subject of your email is: “Weekly drilling report” 90% will move directly into the trash disappear without reading. But you might use the following rule: “Drill Save on maintenance costs” then this mail will be read much more. Who does not want to save on maintenance costs? Use emotion. Think “I get 1 million euros when the reader opens the email, you will see that you are going to proceed much more emotional!

Information, information, information

Information may be interactive, a short quiz for example. Here is a simple example for our drills .. The question may be: “Have you ever used a hammer drill?” When they click on yes then they come to a page with the latest hammer drills that you sell. They click no then you lead them to a page where information on how to stand up for the first time to use a hammer drill.

Your content can include only headlines, where a link attached for more information. Make sure that the information is interesting, otherwise you’ll fall victim to the unsubscribe or worse, the report spam link in most email platforms… (Hotmail, Gmail, etc.)

There are several ways to ensure that the reader and a reader will not unsubscribe. Always make sure that you have a listing in your email processed. This may be a simple link to the latest drilling are.

This concludes the article. If you want to be taken seriously on the internet you have to use an email database. I have no good Dutch version of this type of software found. I use Aweber. This is an English mail software. I use this software for many years and am very satisfied. Recent tests have also shown that mails sent with the largest delivery Aweber degree. This is because the CAN-SPAM rules apply very well. Take a look at: Aweber email software or fill in your name and email address below for a free trial and get more profits from your website!

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