Appliance TM to: Jiu Jiadian pricing who is in charge?

TM to work can be smoothly implemented, the formulation of national sales, recycling, dismantling subsidies to all sectors of business a reasonable amount of the utmost importance. Among them, the old home appliances consumer pricing will directly affect how consumer participation in TM to the initiative.

On the weekend, Beijing

Home Appliances

TM to


, Waste recycling tender results were announced, a total of 15 sales companies, 19 companies short-listed recycling. According to the policy, Beijing, Shanghai, Shandong, nine pilot provinces and cities of consumers, such as the need for out of home





Washing machine

, Air conditioning, five categories of waste home appliances in the consumer computer can make an appointment to a designated recycling business registration, recycling companies will visit recycling Jiujia Dian issued for the recovery of the consumer to prove, and then out to the specified consumer certificate sales of similar companies to buy new appliances can enjoy a certain amount of financial subsidies. Subsidy amount will be determined according to recover the old machine status, the highest price does not exceed 10% of the new machine. As this part of the subsidy amount will buy a new machine in the consumer direct deduction for payment, so consumers do not need special application.

Reporter has learned that Beijing authorities today and tomorrow will bring together all successful businesses appliances TM to discuss the implementation details. Press yesterday (August 2) interviewed some of the successful appliance manufacturers and distributors, they indicated that they would actively participate in deliberations and make some rules related to home appliances TM to smooth the implementation of the policy details.

problem I: recovery Jiujia Dian

Uniform pricing or a sub-369, etc.?

A business that can smooth implementation of the TM to work, the state how to develop sales, recycling, dismantling subsidies to all sectors of business a reasonable amount of the most important. Among them, the consumer's home in the old appliances will have a direct impact on how the pricing TM to the active consumer participation.

However, the situation of waste electrical appliances vary, very difficult to have uniform standards, we can only rely on the subjective assessment collection services, so the problem may eventually appear in the valuation issue. According to statistics, only the acquisition of Beijing Mobile Waste Electrical Appliance individual traders more than 10 million consumers now place on their most dissatisfied is that the valuation of used electrical appliances there is no uniform standard, the letter I asking price. However, manufacturers say that if the State Jiu Jiadian mechanism of pricing across the board, may eventually form a good electrical to follow the market's vendors sell the hands of national income were all up worthless waste.

A business also told reporters that the State had been on the market for used household appliances recycling market has done a real situation, reported the recovery of prices will determine the purchase price slightly higher than the hawkers to enhance attractiveness. In fact, the same three years the use of color TV sets, because of its original value, using different conditions, the actual value may be quite different.

problem 2: Jiu Jiadian scrapped all of the

Or allow secondary circulation?

Many household appliances manufacturers in an interview, also received mention another common concern is the close up of old appliances or whether the dismantling of all scrap recycling is allowed access to second-hand market value of the secondary circulation.

Now many families to buy new appliances because of old electrical appliances that can not accommodate the choice to sell, but good old electrical functions, can be used repeatedly. However, according to previous state appliance recycling waste dismantling business, as long as access to recycling for all aspects of Jiu Jiadian dismantling scrapped, not again flow back into the market. National Development and Reform Commission, as established in the country's four waste home appliance recycling demonstration project using one of the Beijing Chinese Star

Environmental protection

Company Marketing Manager Xu week when in an interview, said that big cities like Beijing bought up in the old appliances still have a lot of value, but according to the regulations they must dismantle their environment, "Sometimes we see with all distressed. "

Insiders told reporters that the Ministry of Commerce reported recovery up electrical once had a "no objection to the second flow of" ideas, but opponents have a lot of people. Opponents believe that once the legalization of secondary circulation is likely to be difficult to control the situation, causing TM to policy confusion, do not rule out state agencies designated as the black market, refurbished recycling machine,


Machines, "suppliers."

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