Role Play Your Way to Personal Security

Home security and home burglary protection is more than just installing a home security system. The best defense includes a great offense and a solid strategy incorporating a well thought out plan.

Outside of Detroit I worked with local law enforcement to conduct a security seminar at a credit union. This was no ordinary “How to Protect Yourself”, this was a mock robbery done as robbery response training. Best part, cops were the robbers.  And they were good, real good.  Five cops who have watched every cops and robber movie including “Dog Day Afternoon” with Al Pacino were tasked with numerous robber roles. Some as simple as strolling into the bank and passing notes all the way to jumping on the banks counters with assault rifles in masks and screaming profanities demanding the credit unions staff to hit the floor.

It was very realistic and some people cried. Pregnant staff wasn’t allowed to participate and many bowed out. This training was not for the faint of heart. Once the robbers left, the participants had to follow through with what the aftermath response would be and bring the event to a closure.

My role was to observe and when completed to rehash the event and elicit a response from each participant. The energy in the aftermath was a mix of excitement, confusion, fear and relief that it was over.  Everyone in attendance was affected by what they went through. Meaning they were emotionally moved by the process.

At the conclusion of the event the mood was gratitude and a sense of empowerment. People were grateful it wasn’t real, but empowered by the experience. Role playing as we did gave insight to what a real life robbery would look like and once the attendees understood the mechanics of it they felt they were better prepared to effectively respond in the event of a real robbery.

While a mock home invasion may not be on your list of “to-dos,” having a discussion with your fellow dwellers about their response should be. Asking “what if” questions and visualizing different scenarios is one step towards an effective response plan.

Robert Siciliano personal and home security specialist to Home Security Source discussing ADTPulse on Fox News.

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