Microsoft 70-431 demo testing engine

Microsoft’s 70-431 exam management? The last slip of the tongue that Silverlight, or in the PDC 2010 conference. At that time tensions have begun to spread around in the Silverlight developers, developers increasingly finds itself in a very awkward position, they tell that he was a rich client developer or a Web application developers. So, when Bob Muglia Silverlight will give a feeling of being abandoned, immediately triggered a series of storm. Developers, especially the consultants who recommended that they go to use Silverlight when employees and customers, all efforts are in vain. At the PDC in a few weeks after, some fickle customers have started to give up a Flex or Silverlight to run to the arms of HTML5, and the result is a large number of orders were canceled.

To be Windows 8 release, the recall is now probably just a public relations crisis, developers and media will gather to look WPF and Silverlight’s new role. This is not just an academic behavior, perhaps through the implementation of these technologies will change the boot screen Windows 8 Microsoft on short-term investment decisions.

Clearly, Microsoft is trying to raise people’s expectations of the new Assembly, which is Build Assembly, so before the arrival in September, who is not willing to openly talk about. NET development prospects of the topic. We can understand that, or is some of the rumors, or as Mary Jo Foley mentioned in the article on Jupiter UI bits and pieces, nothing more.

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