Direct Sales Business Recruiting When Times Are Tough

Many small business owners will go through down periods of business and slow times the same way large corporations do. Recruiting new consultants into your business is essential and even though it can become difficult to persist and persevere when business has been slow and revenue flow slows down dramatically the business opportunity should be easy to sell.

Persisting and continuing on with the business when times are tough can be a challenge, but it is one that must be met if the person is to succeed. Switching up marketing tactics and techniques can provide the solution to slow business when hard times arrive. When you share your business opportunities in a bad economy it is always good to focus on the duel income stream that direct sales creates.

Direct Sales Recruiting Tax Savings

As a direct seller, working from home gives you and your new recruits 2 income opportunities. One from you business sales and the other in the form of income tax reduction using the home office deduction. There are many courses that direct sales consultants and representatives can take when sales begin to dwindle.

One of the most effective is to switch up the marketing plan and make adjustments which tailors it to the current market and economy. Many times, offering incentives to purchase as part of a marketing plan will have a positive impact and will pick sales back up as the people you come in contact with renew their interest through your incentives. The incentive of paying less taxes and therefore putting money in the new consultant’s pocket is a very lucrative opportunity and one that is easy to sell.

Add A Buying Incentive

Direct sales companies are always offering buying incentives. Marketing those to your new consultant leads is important. When a potential recruit realizes that the company is providing great support and making the business easy to market, then they will be more interested than if a company does not have great customer incentives.

Buying incentives such as discounts on specific seasonal products will allow the customer to feel like he or she is receiving a deal. Whenever people feel like they are taking advantage of a true sale and are saving money, they are more apt to make the purchase. These seasonal coupons and discounts can be the very part of your marketing plan which renews customer curiosity. Sharing them with your recruit leads is a great way to entice them to join as it not only gives them an additional incentive but shows them the great support they will receive from the home office.

In addition to adding seasonal discounts as part of a marketing plan, it is also wise to use your marketing abilities and to take advantage of the downtime by renewing contact with previous costumers. Tie this in with your recruiting efforts that focus on saving tax dollars and you have a win-win situation. Many times, people who have purchased from you in the past will welcome your product demonstrations and will be encouraged to buy as you present them with a new line of products your company has produced recently. You will also be surprised to find an occasional happy customer who is ready to take advantage of the business opportunity.

When business is good, direct sales business professionals often neglect marketing due to lack of time. During slow times in business, consultants have an opportunity to increase customer relations with previous customers and to generate interest in new seasonal products by using assertive and appealing marketing techniques and share the business at the same time allowing customers to take advantage of sales and discounts.

Direct sales recruiting is easy when you teach your team to recruit from day one. Grow a massive direct sales team when you learn more direct sales recruiting tips at:

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