Bad Network Marketing Practices

The 7 great lies of network marketing is a simple book by Ann Sieg which talks about the idiotic practices of the network marketing industry. It is no secret that the mlm network marketing industry is responsible for creating a dependable income for many families. This industry is filled with people who have succeeded despite all odds. Yes, it’s very inspiring to hear these stories and all, but we need to take a deeper look in here.

The problem with this industry is that only a tiny majority succeed in it. The failure rate is far higher than other industries. The real reason behind this is ineffective marketing skills. The inability to market causes a lot of problems for the people. Building a proper mlm network marketing business involves certain skills. When people with low skill levels try to approach others and talk about their business, all they get to listen is evasive answers. Added to this, these people are asked to keep doing what they are doing by their leaders. Doing a thing wrongly a hundred times does not produce results. That’s what happens for these people and after a point of time they realize they just cannot carry on and they simply quit

The 7 great lies of network marketing book by Ann Sieg deals with the various issues of this industry. There are basically loads of bad practices which have done nothing but brainwashing people to do a particular act without ever questioning about it. When you have loads of people with low sales skills doing something because their upline said so, you have a big problem. And the big problem is the huge attrition rates in this industry.

Since the entry point in an average network marketing company is low, there are people who join it looking for a quick buck. These people would be the first ones to call it quits when things do not go as per their expectation. No amount of training can help these people. However there are people who are serious about building a solid business. These people struggle because they have no real training on how to market their business.

The main problem with this industry is that things are made too simple in order to achieve duplication. Frankly speaking, no one is ever going to really benefit by watered down training contents. Trainings that are designed with the sole purpose of making everything look easy is never going to help anyone. It is due to this reason the network marketing industry is a victim of certain crazy practices such as cold calling, dropping flyers, etc. In addition to all this, there are tons of motivational training sessions where leaders give out statements like “we are not really selling the products, we are merely sharing them with our close ones”, “we have the best products”, “everyone is your prospect” and similar stuff.

Many leaders while giving fiery speeches say that in network marketing, all one needs to do is share their products with their near and dear ones. Selling is not required, but sharing is. In reality, most people are terrified of selling. So when they get to hear statements like these, they feel secure and say to themselves “well sharing can’t be that hard”. Here’s a fact: network marketing business is all about selling and has got nothing to do with sharing. Think about it for a minute. The reason why many fail is because they lack the skills to make a sale. Beating around the bush may make people feel good, but it doesn’t produce results. If sharing was all it took to build this business, anyone can come in and make a life transforming income. But that doesn’t really happen. The reason : lack of skills. Skills are necessary to succeed in any business and network marketing is no different. The 7 great lies of network marketing is a powerful book that will make you think. Make sure you get your hands on it.

Majority of the network marketing problems is due to bad practices. Not only are they ineffective, they also tarnish the reputation of the whole industry. The 7 great lies of network marketing ebook by Ann Sieg explains everything in detail.

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