Linen Fabric – how to wash and take care of it

Linen fabrics have been around for thousands of years, over 8,000 years to be exact. The ancient Egyptians even used linen as a form of currency. Linen fabrics are beautiful, natural and easy to care for.

Linen curtains and clothing do not really take any more care or maintenance than other fabrics, but they are certainly more beautiful than many of them. Many people feel that linen fabrics are “high maintenance” but there are many tips available for you to keep your curtains and clothing looking great for years to come.

Linen fabrics do NOT have to be ironed as many believe. The fabric looks beautiful and natural all on its own without ironing. However, if you prefer your linen fabrics to look crisp and pressed you can have them ironed and gorgeous in no time flat.

Before laundering or ironing your linen fabrics, make sure to consult the manufacturer’s specific instructions. Following the instructions is important because they have information about the fabric that you do not. Was it treated in a special way before it was dyed? What specific temperatures can it withstand? Generally speaking most linen can be hand or machine washed with gentle detergents in lukewarm or cold water. Some linen can be machine dried, but all can be dried flat or hung out on a line. Direct sunlight is actually recommended for linen because it kills bacteria that might be in the fabric. Please do not dry your linen completely especially if you plan to iron it, damp linen is the best and easiest to work with.

There are a few things you need to do before you iron your linen fabrics if that is your preference. First make sure your iron is clean, if you will be using a steam iron make sure that the iron doesn’t have any mineral deposits built up that could potentially stain your fabric. Set your iron to the correct temperature. You should use a temperature that is compatible with your fabrics weight and thickness. Using an ironing board with a thick, smooth, heat reflective cover will make the job easier for you.

For the best results linen fabrics should be ironed while they are still damp from the dryer or off of the line. White linen and lighter colored linens can be ironed on both sides, while dark colored linens should only be ironed on the wrong side (the side you will not see). With white or light colored fabrics iron the wrong side first and then the right side. Ironing on the right side will bring out the materials natural luster and shine. You should test the iron in an inconspicuous area of the fabric to make sure no problems arise before moving on to the whole fabric. For extra crisp linens, napkins for example, you can use a spray starch while you are steam ironing the fabric.

Linen fabrics and curtains certainly do not have to be ironed, but if you prefer the look of pressed linens these tips can help. Use the tips provided above to take care of your linen fabrics and you will have fabulous looking linen curtains and clothing for years to come. Linen is a little like wine that just gets better with age, especially if it is well cared for.

Soile Makarof has an immense knowledge on linen fabric. Know more about linen fabric related info in his website.

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