The Characteristics of Audemars Piguet

Audemars Piguet – one of the world’s top ten list of watches, has a very long history. This article introduces the brands story and the characteristics of the brand watches.

Legend began

At first, the Legend began in 1875, two young talents JulesLouis Audemars and EdwardAuguste piguet started their brilliant career and created the manufacture of watches in Switzerland. This company formally established in 1875. In 1881 officially registered “Audemars Biguet & Cie” watch factory. As early as 1889, in the 10th Paris Universal clocks Exhibition, Audemars displayed Grande Complication pocket watches, which were equipped with a minute repeater, and long-timer calendar function. This sophisticated clocks sector design attracted strong responses at that time.

Since then, the company became the world’s largest complex watch invention records brands and on the international watch stage, a classic legend began.

Grande Complication series

Grande Complication series is a technology demonstration of Audemars Piguetto, showing the exquisite technology. The selection of each diamond was very strict, for example, the color and clarity of each diamond must at a high level. Then the diamonds were enchased by experienced Jewelry technologist carefully, so as to show your extraordinary charm and elegant manner.

Limited edition

In 1999, the company launched a limited edition watches which were named after one of the founders Audemars. This watch contains three functions in one, such as Tourbillon and minute repeater. The company set limit to produce only fifteen, so as to salute to Jules Audemars.

Exterior design

In the aesthetic design, Audemars Piguet adhered to the spirit of the contemporary creation. The watchcase is more beautiful, giving a person the vision and relaxed feeling.

Gem watch

Audemars Piguet launched brand-new noble lady gem wrist watch series, in order to express the respect to the honourable women worldwide. The lady watch series won high reputation when once introduced, deeply respected by horological connoisseurs and collectors. Its unique Mosaic technology and dazzing gem add glory for ladies.

In general, Audemars Piguet won the recognition and have a good reputation by its exquisite technology and elegant appearance. It deserves the honor of the world’s largest complex watch invention records brands.

The author is an enthusiast of replica parmigiani watches. View the amazing collection of replica watches at

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