Great Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is believed to have been discovered by the Chinese over four thousand years ago and used for its herbal and medicinal powers. It comes from a plant named Carmellia Sinensis. Unlike black tea, which is completely oxidized, green tea leaves are simply steamed and hence ensure the preservation of useful antioxidants, tannins and flavonoids. The Japanese trade with Europe, especially with the Portugese, in the 1500s brought about the exchange of tea culture. Today, the Chinese green tea has become popular for its detoxifying capacity and therapeutic properties.
Out of all of the health benefits of green tea, weight loss seems the most popular application. It is also useful for Detox diets and can be used as a healthy diet drink suitable for every weight loss program. People also use it for other purposes, and this article will give you some great tips and uses of green tea.
Here are some great benefits, tips and cooking secrets when it comes to green tea:
The International Journal of Obesity mentions green tea as having poly phenols which produce extra heat in the body and burn calories
Green tea leaves contain Epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, which may be able to obliterate cancer cells without disturbing neighboring tissues
The University of Geneva showed some studies which prove that people on green tea diets are more likely to use up fats than people not using green tea
EGCD also helps with escalating the twenty four hour energy outflow of the body
Green tea reduces the risk of strokes
It also has a favorable effect on hypertension and LDL cholesterol
Green tea carries catechin polyphenols which can help delay the reaction of gastric and pancreatic lipases, which are enzymes responsible for converting calories into fats
Catechin also destroys the bacteria which can cause food poisoning. It also eradicates the toxins produced by these bacteria
Catechin may be able to stop cancer cells from further growth
Green tea contains caffeine in moderate quantity, which works as an appetite suppressant (high quantities of caffeine, for example in coffee, can cause medical problems including hyper tension and insomnia)
Green tea is also good for maintaining good oral hygiene. It contains fluorine, which prevents cavities. It also carries ingredients which suppress plaque formation and bacteria which cause bad breath
Polysaccharides and other ingredients in green tea help lower blood sugar
Green tea is rich in the anti oxidant Vitamin E, which slows the aging process
Cleveland’s Western Reserve conducted a study which shows that having four cups of green tea each day prevents the oncoming of rheumatoid arthritis and can also reduce symptoms in individuals who already have this medical condition
For four thousand years, Chinese people have been using green tea for treating headaches and even depression
While the other tea leaves are fermented, green tea leaves are steamed and they retrieve their original medicinal capabilities
Green tea is also good for your heart
It improves the function of your immune system
Calm your mind and your senses with a cup of fragrant LIPTON Peppermint Herbal Tea. This all natural tea has no caffeine so it soothes every part of you.
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