A successful society by reaching balance.

When we observe nature without human intervention, the one thing we see is how it is perfectly balanced, so much, that we can say that nature goes toward balance or we can call it justice. As scientists know, they where times when nature was in deep crisis, which at the time seemed to be chaotic but turned to be transitions era in order to bring balance and more developed forms of life. We humans, have the intelligence to manipulate nature, however being able to manipulate nature does not mean to be above this very own nature in which we live. Some of our activities has brought us out of balances with nature, which in turn brought us pollution, deforestation, overfishing, animal extinction etc.

We have to adapt and change our behaviors as quickly as possible in order to be in accord with nature so that in return we wont have to suffer the results of going against it. Reaching balance in our relations and everywhere else is a must to develop in a harmonious way. With the example of pollution, we can see that when we go out of balance, nature quickly show us the problems that come with it and if we keep on turning a blind eye on them, these problems will keep on growing until our only choice is to change in order to keep on living.  The smart thing to do is to change on the slightest sign that show us that we are out of balance and align ourselves accordingly. In our days, must people want changes due to the common discomfort that is growing, the only change that will bring positive results, is to reach balance. We have to put in place an order that is in accordance with nature and more adequate to support life.

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