Learning About Social Bookmarking

A while ago, I wrote an article on Digg which is a social bookmarking site. From that, I have had a number of e-mails requesting more tips on other similar sites such as Tumblr and Technorati.

When you use social bookmarking, here are a few tips I would suggest you keep in mind for all networking sites:

It is all about the headlines.

Headlines are powerful. They can be the deciding factor in whether or not Internet users to read the entire. As a marketer, you hope obviously hope they do, so you want to make sure that the headline is eye-catching and interest grabbing.

How can you stand out if you can’t format your headlines text?

Make sure you use your targeted keywords; they are what the Internet users are entering into search boxes to find your information. When they can see your keywords in the headline, it lets them know they have found what they were looking for.

Don’t forget to use intriguing and captivating words such as “free,” “secret,” and “discover.” Interestingly, these words never fail to tickle the fancy of readers. I, for one, find myself frequently clicking on anything containing the word “free.”

Make sure and describe the article.

You also want the readers to get a general idea of what the article is and what they might expect to learn form it. You have to be really careful on this one. I have seen a lot of marketers go overboard on their description. In the end, they can fail to deliver. Make your description specific and don’t exaggerate, never lie. You do not want your readers to feel disappointment or lack of satisfaction. You may also want to pepper a few keywords in here as well, to boost your traffic and page ranking.

Make sure your content is worth sharing.

The purpose of social bookmarking is to share your information and to increase your traffic to your web presence. It is going against principle if the content that you give away is utterly useless, rehashed, painfully obvious, or worst of all plagiarized.

When you are sharing information, keep in mind the following questions:

*Is the information I am using new or fresh?

* Will the readers learn something out of this?

*Does this sound conversational and factual?

* Is it devoid of any nonsense opinion?

*Will I be excited to share this with others?

* Will others be encouraged to share this with their friends?

Make sure that your articles are easy to bookmark.

Websites like Digg, Tumblr, Tehnorati, and Del.i.cious have buttons that will attach to your articles which will allow Internet users to easily share them with others.

I’ll let you in on some good news though: Ad2Action.com has come up with hundreds of dynamic templates that are not only easy to customize but very easy to share. One of their tools for promoting your landing page actually contains these buttons for social networking websites! When you click on them, your landing page is then shared to all of your subscribers in every social bookmarking site you choose!

Before doing anything with social bookmarking, make sure you check out Ad2Action.com to enhance your web presence..

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