Tips to Help You Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

The heartache of losing your boyfriend can have you glued to your pillow crying for days. It sucks, it hurts, and it’s one of those things that everyone has to go through alone. No one can help you feel better in the moment because you are the one who has to choose to feel better.

If you want your ex boyfriend back then choosing to cry into a pillow is not going to help! Feeling sorry for yourself is not going to win him back and make him want to be with you. But there is one thing that you can do to increase the odds he will want to be with you again, and that deserves your effort more than sulking around does.

Be Friendly With Him

Of course you want to be friendly with him right? But your emotions will take over at certain times and you will find yourself screaming at him and trying to make him get it, or hurt like you do. Either way this is not coming off as friendly. It is more of a nagging, crazy woman that he will not want to get back together with. Essentially you will drive him further away.

Don’t make things uncomfortable when you are around him. If you do that then he will not want to experience those feelings and he will keep his distance from you as often as possible. He will keep his guard up around you instead of seeing you as someone he wants to get back together with. Try to keep the atmosphere light-hearted and with no pressure.

At the same time, don’t pretend to be happy. If you can’t be happy and normal around him then it’s better to give yourself some space from him. Fake happiness can be spotted from a mile away and it’s not attractive. Being fake has an undertone of being desperate to it, and he will not want to be around you if you are acting desperate. Plus if you pretend to be happy and he takes you back then you will not have dealt with the issues at hand and you will eventually blow up at him, causing another potential break-up.

You’ll find that being genuinely friendly with him will change the way you view him. You will not be mad or hurt like you were during the break-up. In fact you will end up being more like you were before you started dating.

Can You Get Your Boyfriend Back if He is Dating Someone?

If he has already moved on to someone else then his focus has switched off of you which means he is focusing a lot of energy towards this new girl. That means that if you try to get him back he will not be completely focused on you but rather a new exciting relationship that he’s pursuing, and that new excitement might win out over you.

This is why being friendly is so important. If he see’s that you are a rational, friendly woman and his new girlfriend ends up playing her crazy card too early, then you will have extra light shined on you as the one he wants to be with. You will look extra enticing to him.

Should I Play Games To Win My Ex Boyfriend Back?

I hear this all the time on forums. Girls want to know what kind of game will win back their ex boyfriend and exactly how to play it. They don’t care it what it takes to win him back, but they are not thinking about the future.

If you win him back by playing games then it won’t be long till he figures out that he was played. If you were lying, exaggerating, or hurting other people in the process then it will back-fire on you in the long-run and you may find yourself broken up from him forever.

Should I Make My Ex-Boyfriend Jealous?

Making their ex-boyfriend jealous is another quest that many girls set out to do. They want to make him jealous and come running back to them because they can’t stand to see him with another girl. But this doesn’t work in the long-run either. If he runs back into your arms it’s only because he has a strong jealousy feeling. That feeling will soon go away and be replaced by remembering why he broke up with you.

Trust me, jealousy only lasts for a short-time at best, and you can’t keep him jealous for the rest of your relationship. That’s not the type of relationship anyone wants to have. With jealousy comes anger and hurt feelings and that will not make your relationship better, it will make it worse.

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