Bubble tea – a drink with its own desert

Because they are more concerned about their health, more and more people are changing their usual beverage to a more healthy option, the tea, and not just any tea, a more exiting tea, something beyond the commonly the normal tea, the Bubble Tea.

Originated from Taiwan, the Bubble Tea earned its bubbly name from the tapioca balls that are mixed in it, these balls are small and chewy, and will always be found at the bottom of the teacup. It is known as a drink with its own desert because the tea will be sipped and the balls will be chewed, and to make things more impressive, the instrument with which the Bubble Tea is consumed is a gigantic straw, making it easy and fun to slurp the tapioca balls.

Taken from the cassava root, the tapioca balls, known as tapioca pearls, are boiled cautiously so that they have the tenderness between jelly and gum. If they are not boiled with care, the tapioca pearls will either dissolve or will not be chewy enough. Because the taste of the tapioca balls is bland, some sweetener is required, whether it is sugar or syrup or any other kind of favor, the end result will be delicious.

The earliest versions of the tea were made of mixtures of black tea, sweetener, milk and tapioca pearls. It could be served hot or cold and it was more of a treat for kids. Around 10 years ago The Bubble tea was spread through neighboring Asian countries and then it was inevitable that it would reach America, Australia and Europe, now it can be found in almost every city, in Tea Shops.

As the Bubble Tea was being spread all around the world, its recipe began to change, with different sweeteners and even the tapioca ball could have been replaced with alternatives, such as jellies. Bubble Tea has now more color and the many fruit flavors to pick from, like apples, pineapple and mango. As the recipes for Bubble tea are public, everybody can experiment at home and try out different combinations that will most likely result in a delicious tea.

The Bubble Tea recipe can change and can vary, it can be bought from a Tea Shop in every city or it can be made at home but it will always be enjoyed, and it will always be refreshing.

To enjoy the great Bubble tea you can find recipes like monin syrup , da vinci syrup and everything else that you need at bobateadirect.com.

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