Men’s Clothing Attaining Sartorial Elegance is Possible Now!

Today it is the turn of the male to turn out in the finest of gear. The choice available before him is mouth watering both in terms of the range of apparel available as in the design, fit and colour combinations available.

One big change that has been brought about by a combination of factors including the opening of the economy and the subsequent easy availability of various brands, and the emergenc e of online retailing, as well as a more progressive outlook adopted by society in general when it comes to seeing and accepting the male of the species to dress up well and appear handsome, is that men’s clothing has witnessed a sea change.

To their credit, men have also responded to this sweeping changes taking place by wholeheartedly accepting to go the way that fashion, contemporary trends, and last but not the least their own inherent sense of what is right for them goes. They have also, in several cases, gone the distance and experimented with different types of attire as well.

From neighbourhood tailors to fashion designers to established brands all are big time into men clothing !

Starting with the friendly neighbourhood tailors to fashion designers to the more established brands, everyone concerned has also put in their might and not let our man down in his pursuit of sartorial elegance.

Be it the simple and elegant looking kurta pyjama or the totally royal sherwanis and angrakhas to the more modern day blazers, trousers, breeches and coats, the male wardrobe is simply overflowing with choices, choices and still more choices. In short, the very concept of men’s clothing has come of age today.

There is also lot of exploration of varied colours that were previously considered as essentially feminine territory and hence taboo. Not to speak of this new found fondness for overly and richly embroidered work seen on their kurtas, shirts and just about anything that they choose to wear.

The immediate instance that comes to the mind is of chicankaari worked kurtas and sherwanis that seem to have become a big hit with the men folk. What was originally a Lucknow-based handicraft today has, become a familiar art all over India and is a success even in some pockets abroad.

Extending similar levels of grace and grandeur are the breeches and coats that is now mandatory for all men on their wedding day. The D day sees our friend wearing this par excellence coats or blazers that have rich profusion of jardozy, cut dana, beads, jari, resham, and other work done on them. The Opulence Reception Breeches Coat is a fine example of this kind of attire made just with the wedding day in mind.

Satyajit Banerjee is an expert writer in handicraft arena and writes for, an eCommerce portal for handcrafted and Handmade products. It offers wide range of products across various categories ranging from women clothing fashion jewellery, desineger bags, Women Apparels, Accessories, Necklaces, Home Décor & Furnishing products and much more

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