Now You Can Conveniently prepare Tea With Loose Tea Leaves

Modern life is about convenience and speed. Coffee to go, fast food, convenience stores. We don’t have time to wait. There is a growing trend to quality, Provence proven, slow food. People understand that we should take time to enjoy quality products. Nonetheless, day to day, the call is still ease and simplicity.

Loose leaf tea for most, is inconvenient. Messing round with loose leaves. Warming up teapots. Waiting for the tea to brew. But why? There are a number of products on the market that address the need for speed and flexibility. If you are on the move, you can buy great tea travel cups. Fully sealed they can be carried in the car or in a bag. Pass by a kettle, top up the tea travel cup and you are ready to keep on the move.

Good quality loose leaf oolong, black and PuErh teas can be infused between 6-10 times. For many that means one serving of tea can last a day or even for the big drinkers a whole morning or afternoon.

Working in an office or spend a lot of time at home? Then look to a great modern design, the GongFu tea cup. That is GongFu as in skilled, not GongFu as in action hero! Make great loose tea in 5 easy steps with a GongFu tea cup. Easy to prepare, these tea cups or tea mugs are easy to clean and can be used to prepare a wide range of loose leave teas.

For those exploring loose leaf tea for the first time, the New To Tea packs include a GongFu tea cup and a choice of either a light tea selection or dark tea selection for those who prefer a full bodied tea.

Apart from these easy preparation of tea, people should drink for good health. Tea has been a staple drink in China for years.  A blend like Tie Guan Yin helps you to relax and takes you away from the modern day to day pressure of life. TieGuanYin is the most famous Chinese oolong teas and frequent drinking of this blend of tea keeps you active and healthy.

Tie Guan Yin blend of oolong teas is very famous of its deep flavor and the best aroma you can get for a tea. It is best to prepare and drink using the Chinese method to prepare the tea, which is just boiling the water, add tea leaves and sip during your meal or whenever you feel like having a tea.

Learn more about Tie Guan Yin tea and tea making at Wan Ling Tea House, UK based online tea shop. Tea Facts pages include information on tea regions, tea types and making tea and also best facts about TieGuanYin blend of tea.

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