What is Computer Vision Syndrome & How It Can Be Dealt With

Today, vision prescriptions mainly focus on myopia (a condition in which objects farther away appear blurred) and presbyopia (an age-related condition in which it is difficult to see objects up close). However, eye doctors are now receiving more and more patients with a new problem: trouble seeing in the mid-range. The reason: In today’s world, we are all spending more time staring at screens from laptops, computers, smart phones, tablets, hand-held video games, e-readers, and other digital devices.
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal mentions that “some 80% of us use computers… often for many hours each day.” The side effects of this great demand on our visual system include headaches, blurred vision, neck pain, dryness/redness of the eyes, and blurred vision among others. This health condition is known as Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) and, according to the National Institute of Occupational Health, it affects about 90% of the people who spent three hours or more a day at a computer.
Computers, cell phones, and digital devices play a significant role today in the lives of millions of people in the United States. These devices are used extensively at school, work, and in our personal lives. They have revolutionized the way we do business around the world, and even joy reading a good novel or the daily newspaper. In a few words, it may prove difficult or even impossible to ask the average person to spend less time starting at computer screens, cell phones, and other digital devices. So, how can Computer Vision Syndrome be dealt with?
In order to minimize the effects of CVS, it is important to set up your computer workstation adequately. Often people don’t realize how hard their eyes have to work to give them their current vision. By analyzing how far your eyes are from the computer screen and hand-held devices you use, the right accommodations can then be made. For example, it is possible to decrease the amount our eyes are working by simply moving the monitor twenty to thirty inches away from your eyes.
Another solution to deal with CVS is computer glasses. In this type of glasses, an eye doctor prescribes the optimum lens power for your computer screen right where you need it for a clear, wide field of view without the need for excessive focusing effort and unhealthy postures. Since there are many types of computer glasses and since each individual has unique eye problems, the best solution is to consult your eye doctor. He or she will then help you choose the best-suited glasses for your eyesight needs. Computer glasses also may incorporate non-glare surfaces, light blue-blocking tints, and even a design that helps you maintain eye moisture.
Without a doubt, our eyes today are under a great amount of stress. They are taxed heavily not only at work, but also in our personal lives. It is important, then, to listen to the messages our eyes are sending to our brain and take the necessary measures to make their job easier. In the end, our eyes will be thankful and will keep blessing us for many years to come.
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