Love the most beautiful most simple

People used to think that sometime the most beautiful thing is the most complex. It makes me think of a Zen story: “in a small way, driving many of the morning glory, this is a very common flower. Such a common enough flowers to explore his head by the side of the road, quietlybloom, who never pay attention to it, a monk walked every day from there, he never noticed it. day, brilliant in the morning when, after a monk happened to see it, his soul the flowers of the innocent touch and feel sorry for him for his past neglect, he felt This flower has been quietly waiting for him so he stopped, there are the flowers, the monk standing there, silent waiting for the flower, never left. ” Zen said: “the usual things change because of unusual interest, that the flowers are no longer ordinary flowers, the monk is no longer that simple monk, another was penetration, inclusive, to construct a transcendent natural beauty.
America welcomes the flower of love just as the usual flowers, bright Xiaohua’s attention and wait for the next blooming. Touching love is often met – separation – the return trilogy, Xiaohua the mature humor of early America welcomes the girls love Huaibei Lei, this disturbance can form a psychological imprinting. Separate days, when the hazy love becomes clear, the United States welcomes the involuntary love to find a familiar shadow. Read this story a little romanticism, like a Chinese version of “Gone with the Wind”, but I still want to believe that love must have been a miracle.
The daughter of General Yang’s love like in the proof of the feelings of the people phoenix ability to update aging feelings toward the flame of life, in the burning sparkle to fade and the vicissitudes of life, healing, grow beautiful new feathers. Love is a living thing, like the cycle of life and death instinct in the subconscious reply, love is both a life instinct release, depletion, renewable. Who can say that through the a storm Nirvana neonatal love is not the most beautiful love, I believe, the heart love young woman.
Winding pitch northern girl, dust charmed the eye, a Qinglei condensation of lingering nostalgia and Resentment. Accidentally in love more fascinating, first reading, reminds me of the  “Red Rose and White Rose” to remain in the hearts will become more precious. Then I thought, they feel love is the ability to dream, dream is never lonely poetic tide, than to know how to love her husband more suited to constitute a dream situation. Who lit 30 candles, have not yet been Cupid touch of white-collar beauty, her emotions have a clear Gum hold, not so much no one dared to provoke her, as it is the defeat of her emotional defenses So dare to invade. Love is often the scene of a paradox, more concerned about it, the more it missed; more care of it, it is more fragile. In fact, the love only care about whom the inaction of the natural, the ladies need to learn a waiver, a self-collapse of an open and unconditional acceptance, not beating, love is not deep.
Women how to grasp the most beautiful life? We must first know the natural emotional and phased, each life-time emotional reality and content are different, love is never mature, only to grow and update. Love in the most beautiful is the most simple, love always from the bottom of my heart a natural flowing, unordered, no purpose, no direction, no value judgment, non-utilitarian as clean no time. Often feelings of first love is a kind of inner monologue, quietly came, and then gently go Sometimes you even have a chance to speak out. Like those of ordinary morning glory, only the extraordinary focus on power and penetration to be able to make it bloom wonderful. Girls to the season of love, love is a dance of life, need to have one or more harmonious partner, her dance becomes a sight to behold. Sometimes she do not care about the pros and cons, do not take into account the secular, moral, ethical, and even dare to challenge taboos.
It reminds me of “Let love decide” Lou Jiayi her Genglin love is simple, and simple love must be sharp, destructive and consistent with human development. During this period, the result is very unimportant, it is important to love the self-perception, a way to get in is only felt life meaning.During this period, the greatest harm is a denial of love, deny that you lose you have obtained, to defeat your passion. Fixed so that you lack the vivid inner experience, lost the love of power and update. So, you are the most beautiful love to advocating simplicity, advocating the process, respect for human nature itself. So, we need to love the results? Love is not the result of it is like life stage process, the results of love is beyond or death. A well-honed talents of calm love all the people in the world so beyond. Young friend, do not worry, as long as genuine love, your life will be a miracle.

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