Hire a dedicated virtual employee for your Java software applications project

When you have to choose between a freelancer and a virtual dedicated employee for the  Java software applications project you are outsourcing, you will come across debates (on the net) with people rooting for freelancers and also those who swear by the quality dedicated virtual Java programmers can deliver. The advantage of hiring a freelancer is low (initial) costs, and that’s about it. Whereas, when it comes to virtual dedicated employees, you have a full-time employee working with just you (unlike freelancers who work with multiple clients and you are just another client!) which guarantees better results. Also, a freelancer working from home won’t have access to high-end IT equipment, software, hardware, and communications and IT infrastructure that a virtual dedicated employee has access to in the office provided by your outsourcing vendor. Another factor that works in favor of dedicated remote employees is that they work under the supervision of your outsourcing services vendor, unlike freelancers working from home with a laptop.

So, even though the concept of a virtual dedicated employee is relatively new when compared to freelancer, it has been widely accepted that remote employees can definitely do a better job than freelancers. And about the low (initial) cost, in the long run, virtual dedicated Java programmer’s deliver cost-effective and quality results, and the threats of low professionalism, uncertainty, and inefficiency will always be looming over your Java applications development project if you hire a freelancer.

Ever since the Y2K bug created a scare and the talent pool in India took on this scare heads on, India has become synonymous with IT outsourcing. This talent pool, which has increased manifolds now, is now making clients from all over the world looking for dependable outsourcing services vendors in India to help them outsource their projects and processes smoothly, seamlessly, and effectively. With outsourcing needs having grown by leaps and bounds, outsourcing vendors are now vying with each other for the biggest slice of the pie by giving their clients value-for-money services with many value-added services.

So, it’s not just well-equipped offices that outsourcing vendors – such as, VirtualEmployee – are offering, but any help offshore clients need, such as, help in hiring Java programmers, and taking care of non-work-related administration of your virtual employees that give you enough time to concentrate on the job.

Reputed vendors like the one mentioned above also make sure that your outsourced job doesn’t face any roadblocks by making your virtual dedicated employees sign a service agreement (that won’t let them desert you till the project is completed) and a non-disclosure agreement that makes sure your data is absolutely safe. Add this to the fact that such vendors’ offices have the latest in IT and communications infrastructure, and support, such as, 24-hr IT support, and power backup, and you’ll see all contingencies that can have an adverse effect on you Java applications development job are taken care of right from the beginning.

Put in a few words, if you hire the right outsourcing vendor for your Java development work, your project is a winner.


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